
Friday, July 11, 2014

Episode 12 Q&A With Drunvalo Melchizedek & ATIH Teacher Michelle Pacheco

Streamed live on Jul 9, 2014
Drunvalo will be answering questions live with ATIH Teacher Michelle Pacheco and SOR Members! If your interested in becoming an ATIH Teacher please read more about Michelle Pacheco:

For more information or question please contact Chyna Wu, SOR Administration Assistant at: or call 928-554-4705 ext 108

Awakening the Illuminated Heart Teachers Training

The School of Remembering is pleased to offer a comprehensive training and certification course for the Awakening The Illuminated Heart Workshop™ material based on our new training model. This model focuses on teaching skills, delivery methodology, creating rapport within the classroom and offers an environment of instruction for success for our upcoming teacher candidates. For this reason the class sizes are limited to 20 participants.

This smaller size assures an abundance of personal coaching and instruction. All applicants must be able to read, write and speak English.

To Apply visit the following link: