
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

MarkZ Update - January 20, 2015


MarkZ[MarkZ] I am sorry I haven't made chat in awhile. The hours I have been putting into the RV has taken a toll on my time. So, hello everyone!

[GAPatriot60] MarkZ hello

[jtwest] MarkZ lol ----- just waiting for rv !!!!

[MarkZ] jtwest I doubt you have to wait to much longer. The progress is really gaing the steam we needed. I wish I could share all the progress.

[MarkZ] I haven't seen the crew in awhile. Does barb, Digs RobertProfessor and the likes still make it in?

[toolfan4] MarkZ not anymore....disenchanted, i believe...cant blame em

[MarkZ] toolfan4 This journey has taken it's toll on nearly all of us. That is for sure

[highhopes] MarkZ So great to see you tonight.....are you free to give us all a little update now?

[MarkZ] highhopes Not too much I can say but I will try to not be totally evasive. Settlements are finally picking up the momentum we need. Banking is in place. The US has pretty much run out of excuses. Things are good. Germany has moved along with Switzerland to make certain the other huge fiat(euro) is near death by moving gold and assets, without a true reset it won't make it.

[pick3king] where is the republic

[MarkZ] pick3king I am seriously plugged in and tracking the republic is tough at best.

[MarkZ] pick3king The latest is we will publically see the republic this week… but that rumor and a 10 spot will get you a small coffee at Starbuck's...

pick3king] MarkZ is it going to happen

[MarkZ] pick3king Yes but not in the huge flashy way we all want. IMO

[montana2] MarkZ What's with the Gen Carter Ham stuff. Is it something to pay attention to?

[MarkZ] montana2 Yes

[calibeach] MarkZ Does the US dollar have to crash first?

[MarkZ] calibeach It doesn't have to if our government continues to play ball.

[MarkZ] calibeach In the long run it would make correcting our economy and cleaning the political and banking houses easier if it did but it would be hard on the average person.

[pick3king] MarkZ did ham meet with congress on the 6th

[MarkZ] pick3king Not sure. I am still trying to verify.

[highhopes] MarkZ some sites think that the Swiss got mad with all the GCR delays and decided to just go..and let the rest of the world catch up....hope they are the first domino to fall

[MarkZ] highhopes They read a bit much into it I believe. The move was to keep the pressure on and another step closer to forcing the change. IMO

[1166] MarkZ cant wait to see change that matters to regular folks

[KYF58] MarkZ So if we see the Republic this week, does that indicate that the GCR is close at hand? Thanks so much!

[MarkZ] KYF58 yes

[calibeach] MarkZ So is the goverment playing ball?

[MarkZ] calibeach yes

[MarkZ] Now that the 4th affirmation is done and out I will make an effort to help with the back story so the letters make more sense to the average person. MC did a great job in picking the material that would keep it moving in a positive direction but a little history will be needed to make sense of it by most.

[MarkZ] I would love to do a video series at some point. Not sure you all want to look at my ugly mug but I think it would be a great way to get to the meat and bones faster. Much is lost without body language and voice inflections when we talk about this stuff.

[hoot2602] MarkZ I agree...trying to follow the documents was like a goose chase.

[calibeach] MarkZ hoot2602 agreed!

[MarkZ] hoot2602 calibeach that is very true. It only makes sense to those that know the players and the history.

[musiccitylady] MarkZ But, if the rv happens this week or before end of month how many folks do you think would even care about watching a video? Most will exchange and be on their way imo

[MarkZ] musiccitylady true. I am thinking maybe a quarter of you would watch it though while on vacation or at least on the flight to Cabo....

[sandytob] MarkZ Wow -- my timing was right on! Glad to see you. Can you answer a question????

 [MarkZ] sandytob I will try. Shoot

[calibeach] MarkZ Is it true that we will have to wait a bit anyways to exchange?

[MarkZ] calibeach yes

 [hoot2602] MarkZ I'm intriqued by the whole thing and to see how much $ is involved is amazing

 [MarkZ] hoot2602 it is mind numbing

[highhopes] MarkZ its important to know how and why this evil deception happened to the American people to make sure it never happens again...imo

[MarkZ] highhopes I agree

[1166] highhopes Amen

[sandytob] I got the feeling that the RV/GCR was dependant on the Wanta/MC thing getting resolved. But it seems years from getting resolved. Can you elaborate a little?

[MarkZ] sandytob It was tied to it as a way of financing and forcing it to happen. I will try to cover that with a post because I need to collect my memory to do the timing and details justice. I will see if taildrager will come on and help me explain, he is an amazing resource of information on the whole history.

[musiccitylady] MarkZ so, you are saying that this exchange is not happening soon? I am confused now. Ty

[MarkZ] musiccitylady Not saying that at all! Saying if they were to announce it this minute it would still take some time to get everyone into the bank, logistically it could take 10-14 days to have things setup. IMO

[sandytob] MarkZ Thank you --- so has it worked well enough to force this?

[MarkZ] sandytob it has worked &^^%$# well!

[calibeach] MarkZ This might be a dumb question but where are all these trillions of dollars being held?

[MarkZ] calibeach A number of places, I will ask if it is ok for me to share that. I have to answer for the information I give, I can't just blab, that could cause as much damage as it could cause good.

[MotoXR] MarkZ I am now blocked from sending letters to my Senator rofl

 [MarkZ] MotoXR lol! They hate the truth don't they!?!

[hoot2602] MarkZ Its amazing seeing how many "gurus" espouse that they know what is going on with the many do you really think have accurate sources?

[MarkZ] hoot2602 We all think we do! Just kidding, try to remember that our government has paid big bucks to cover this up and they use real intel mixed with false stuff and plant false stuff to keep this looked at like we think of little green men. Some very honest well intentioned people can be used to spread misinformation.

[MotoXR] MarkZ Jim Willies new video is pretty solid I hope that may be helping inform people as well ??

[montana2] MarkZ The 22nd seems to be some hot date in this. Thoughts?

[MarkZ] MotoXR I liked his latest video. It makes you think

[montana2] MarkZ The 22nd seems to be some hot date in this. Thoughts?

[MarkZ] montana2 very

[hoot2602] MarkZ One thing haunts me...with the large amount of tax $ that the government will collect, I can't see why they aren't pushing the RV in order to collect the taxes.

 [MarkZ] hoot2602 They make even more by being able to print what they want.

[MarkZ] I posted a real basic post on inflation and how it is fed by fiat money today. If you get the chance go read it.

hoot2602  making more debt for us!

 [MarkZ] hoot2602 yes it is. To keep us indentured they need us to owe. Low interest is the slaves carrot.

[calibeach] MarkZ Did you post that in here?

 [MarkZ] calibeach under my posts at dinarinsider

[twinnster] so, Mark you may have already answered this before I came in...don't know how long you've been in...but how are you feeling about an RV this month?

[MarkZ] twinnster Stellar

[MotoXR] MarkZ Thank you for giving us the Michael Cotrell info to send in, Glad it helped out, Glad to do our part

 [MarkZ] MotoXR It was a nuclear kick in the rear. You all did great.

[hoot2602] MarkZ I'm tired of eating carrots!

[MarkZ] hoot2602 amen!

[Readynow] MarkZ, so are you thinking this is a few more months before released?

 [MarkZ] Readynow no.

[MotoXR] MarkZ so i take it the TRN's are all warmed up and ready to go? : )

[hoot2602] MarkZ Have you had any repercussions due to your involvement with the MC info?

 [MarkZ] MotoXR yep. Now we just need to finish. hoot2602 Lot's. Posting is difficult. keeping a running computer or any communication is tough. Privacy went a long time ago. I won't even go into the government intrusions.

[HIGHERGROUND] MarkZ the info from MC is simply amazing and so astutely put together... truly amazing to see how much has gone into this over the years and the tenacity of MC and Hodges is so honorable...

[MarkZ] HIGHERGROUND MC has a sharp brilliant mind. Sarcastic sometimes but I like a sharp wit.

[hoot2602] MarkZ I hope you can relax soon!

[twinnster] MarkZ hopefully soon we will all be able to get out of chatroom hell...and go live life!! :)

[MarkZ] twinnster Me too!

[MarkZ] hoot2602 Soon......

[MarkZ] I still have work to get done tonight. I can make it back in Wed if you all would like.

[notsoguru] MarkZ some are speculating that the fall in oil prices are creating a delay for the iraq gov to rv - do you see this as true or is it just a means to stablize the GCR or nothing to do with it at all

[MarkZ] notsoguru It is the west trying to monkey again. It won't derail things.

[hoot2602] MarkZ Hum, with luck, wed night would be pre-RV eve!

 [MarkZ] hoot2602 Very true

 [Casper] notsoguru they admit to pumping 4 million barrels a day! You do the math!

[MarkZ] Casper huge money....

[MarkZ] Ok I need to get wrapped up so sleep will be an option at some point. Take care all!

[bailey2..] MarkZ MarkZ Thank you for dropping by hon, it's always so nice to hear from you


"Inflation Made Simple" By MarkZ

Inflation made simple by MarkZ

For those that have read Adam Smith the basics of inflation should be fairly simple to understand. I have had some spirited debates with economists that have a need to overthink and analyze inflation to somehow justify years of education perhaps.

A fiat system is a form of slavery that requires constant borrowing to maintain itself, think of it like the greatest Ponzi scheme of all time.

The folks at the bottom borrow to maintain a lifestyle that is marketed to us and we are “told” we deserve a new car or a house that is actually more than we need so we borrow, the more we borrow the better the economy does but the worse we do individually. did a really solid job on a documentary called End of the Road-How Money Became Worthless. You can find it online for a small fee or the documentary channel runs it fairly often, check their listings.

I can not emphasize enough how it should be required viewing for every American, banker, politician or heck, every human being alive.

The film does a great job in explaining how the fed works by printing new money for us to borrow, writes fictitious loan agreements for the paper money, sells it to other governments or investors who buy it to make “interest” on it as treasury bonds and shows a profit on paper they printed for nothing as loans they created out of thin air and then sold to investors.

ZERO goods or REAL assets were ever created in this process, just numbers on a spreadsheet.

Now how does inflation figure into this equation of “trillions idiot math” you ask? Simple, inflation is the market attempting to correct itself. A.K.A “The invisible hand”.

Our economy has a fixed number of goods in it, so when we print more money than we produce goods, inflation happens.

It is compounded by our debt based fiat system because our dollar is not tied to a REAL asset, it is tied to a magic one the fed had treasury print on demand and traded a bogus legal looking loan agreement for.

Now inflation can occur in an asset based system if too much money is printed based on the assets the country holds as collateral for said monies but it is much more difficult for that to happen and is much easier to correct.

You simply pull money out of the system by replacing worn bills early or buying more assets with the over printed money to shore up the currency.

So, to make a VERY long story short and to over simplify it, inflation is the result of loose bankers and politicians trying to keep you shackled to a debt based form of slavery, it is NO different than chaining people up to work for them.

The only difference is the marketing, they give us cool ads, sporting events, cable TV, an occasional vacation and we go off to the fields to work for our ‘masters’, creating untold wealth for them that they hold in real assets while keeping us in bondage with fiat money.