
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Simon Parkes Update - March 6, 2016

Notes by

I've always enjoyed listening to these two, and I do look forward to their sessions each month. I will share some notes as usual, but please listen to the actual interview here as there's so much more being discussed.

Here are my notes, with text in purple being my own comments:

  • Simon resumes readings, please listen @9:20-minute mark for the email address
  • How to determine level of DNA activation? Psychic gifts and Spirituality should be developed together, or else individual will either be drawn to dark side (minimal spirituality) or are not able to practice what you know (minimal psychic abilities). However, having compassion and heightened sense of premonition is good indicator
  • Scalia murdered by organisation in position of authority
  • Kundalini awakening activation session ~ never ever give your sovereignty away in such circumstances, some New Age practices are infiltrated, exercise caution
  • Relationship between Mantids and Reptilians? Mantids are independent race, and are not created by Reptilians. They are generally regarded as Arbiters in 4D world (which is very vast) so this "status" accords them with some "protection" against Reptilian attack. Mantids trade with Reptilians, who are experts in Genetics and Nanotech. They also have peace treaties with each other to allow safe passage across territories that are at war with the Reptilians. Simon likens the Mantids to a new piece on the chess board that can go anywhere it likes and never be attacked. Good Guys to Bad Guys ratio in 4D is 25:75...."4D is a very challenging and difficult place to be." Black magic energies were created in 4D, and 3D is microcosm of 4D. That's why when the Shift happens, we don't need to stay in 4D for long.
  • Simon's take on Trump? Hillary is Old Guard Cabal while Trump is New; "Trump is Ronald Reagan on steroids" so they can get him to agree on things that nobody else will. Simon says Trump will win
  • Where will people who won't make it to 4D go (Simon had previously said they will slowly phase out)? We should not worry about people who are not meant to make it to the next stage, stay focussed on your ascension and your loved ones, and on what you're supporting and helping
  • Anu's status? Desperately trying to work with splinter group of scientists and elites to forge new government to fill the vacuum when system collapses. We must be vigilant that this doesn't happen
  • Holistic doctors being murdered because people are turning away from Pharmaceuticals' salesmen and saleswomen (doctors); Holistic Science actually cures
  • Listener (with Arcturian Soul) tried to look in on his Soul memories but they were sealed by being with dragon/reptilian face. Simon explained that it's common for higher-D Souls to incarnate in 4D prior to incarnating on Earth, and that this dragon/reptilian being could well be the listener while he was in 4D; other possibility is that the listener is being prevented from recalling his memories by a Reptilian. Simon reminds us that regaining our memories empowers us
  • Has our timeline been messed with (Mandela Effect)? Both positive and negative sides are trying to influence Humanity's timeline. Negatives create fear and manipulate that energy to impose their control. Sometimes timeline deviates from Humanity's choice. Simon assures that we are still on positive timeline, which is why Cabal is doing whatever they can to derail us eg. many movies released about Alien invasions to create negative perceptions of First Contact through programming.
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