
Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Alex Jones, Jeff Rense, Zero Hedge - Reactions to Wikileaks Press Conference

Assange Still Holding Hillary Clinton Material - Nothing
Released In Worldwide Press Appearance

Assange Life Threatened - Releases No Docs - Clinton Called
For His Murder - Only Shows Wiki Video - Click Here

Here's The Video Assange Played - His Entire Staff May Be
Threatened - His Atty Murdered Last Month - Click Here

Assange Almost Assassinated Aug 22nd - Hillary (?) Hit Man
Climbs Outside Wall Of Embassy 2:47 am - Click Here

Assange Attorney & Closest Confidant John Jones
Murdered - Thrown In Front Of Train - Click Here



Julian Assange Disappoints, Fails To Reveal Material Information At Wikileaks Press Conference

In what was a disappointment for anyone hoping for "devastating" disclosures, Julian Assange today held off releasing information about the US elections or Hillary Clinton, despite widespread expectation that he was poised to make a major release. The WikiLeaks founder said the organization would publish around one million documents related to the U.S. election and three governments, but denied the release was aimed at damaging Hillary Clinton.

While Assange said the documents would be released before the end of the year, starting with an initial batch in the coming week, this came as a surprise to many following an unprecedented build up within the media that Wikileaks would release dramatic disclosures on its 10th anniversary.

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