
Sunday, November 6, 2016

Exopolitics versus Exospin - A Response to Dr Steven Greer - An Exploration the Multiple Perspectives on the Process of Disclosure

Exopolitics versus Exospin - A Response to Dr Steven Greer - An Exploration the Multiple Perspectives on the Process of Disclosure

By now, many have come to realize that the process of Full Disclosure is both complex and multifaceted. Additionally, there are numerous people who have different perspectives on this process as to how it ought to progress, and what the end result should look like.

Complete paradigm shifts are nothing simple. So it is understandable that there would be a difference of opinion as to how such a shift should take place. We may have noticed that there are a number of well-known figures involved in the disclosure process and that not all hold the exact same views. This difference of opinion is fine as long as we can all work together toward learning the entirety of the truth for the good of our planet.

This article is an examination on two particular opinions we may find on the subject of disclosure. These are the viewpoints of Dr. Steven Greer and Dr. Michael Salla. Both of these individuals are highly respected and well-versed in their areas of study. They also have the same goal of learning the entirety of the truth.

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