
Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Victory Meditation Response from heyoka

Received via email from heyoka .....

“Prayer (Decree)” for Victory, Peace, Unity, Love, Truth and Ascension  08.29.2017

Email from heyoka inspired by St. Germain and Lady Portia

Note:  You may add your own Divine names and helpers, and you may change the pronouns to reflect plural when using this in groups for unity

In the name and by the power of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, my very own beloved Holy Christ Self, Holy Christ Selves of all mankind, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood, both the True and Original Creator, Crexlan, True Source, Mighty Victory, Mighty Maximus, God Tabor, God of Gold, Archangel Michael, and the seven beloved Archangels, Angels of Principalities and Thrones, violet and blue flame angels, the Chohans of the Rays, Great Divine Director, Beloved St. Germain, Beloved Melchizedek, Beloved Mighty Grandmother and Grandfather of Mercy, Beloved Masters of Justice, Opportunity, Supply and Abundance, elemental life-fire, air, water and earth!  I decree:

I manifest the Victory of any and all court cases, events, intentions or thoughts that brings America and our Freedom through our Nation, the united States of America the Republic (Nesara/Gesara/RV/GCR), and fulfills the Divine Prophecy and Decree of taking back our Sovereign birthright in total and full while Ascending and Transitioning on Earth/Ekken/GAIA.

America!  Thou shalt arise the Nation of Love and Gratitude to Life, that opens the door for the rest of the world into Freedom and Peace eternal!

May all the nations of the World know only Peace, Harmony and Prosperity forevermore!

Oh!  Mighty Divinity, blend thou with me, that I may blaze forth thy full Victory!  Pour through me thy Flame, thou my God-Self Supreme, in Glory Transcendent, thou ‘Mighty I AM’!

Let this day be Victorious for Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf and Randall Beane in order that their hearing and verdict under the Laws of the Universe, the Cosmic Law and Law of One so as Above, so as below may set precedent as my meditations and intentions bring about the accessing of prosperity and freedom along with the Full Power of my/our God virtues and attributes in Grace, Humility, Love and Compassion of Abundance for the best and greatest of all concerned and fulfillment of God’s will.

In Unity, we break down all obstacles, barriers or blockages of any kind, shape or form organic or inorganic in nature within or without as I claim my Victory now!
So be it!!!