Wednesday, November 3, 2021

SSP Alliance Updates via Corey Goode - November 3, 2021

The Global Galactic League of Nations declaration of independence from the ICC and associated Earth governments

Within a few days, after I had been on the last of our reconnaissance missions of the Orion Group, I was brought onboard a Mayan craft to attend a “conference call” between The SSP Alliance (not the real name for operational security) liaisons and two representatives who were at one time leaders within the secret program referred to as the Global Galactic League of Nations (not the real program name, for operation security).

The Global Galactic League of Nations (GGLN) is a very large program that is made up of participants of most of the countries of the world to some degree. After the Apollo missions to the moon, The US Government had a team of scientists and politicians approach every nation showing them geological proof from the moon that there is a cyclical solar event that would destroy our civilization. They told these nations we were overdue for the next solar event and that if it occurred on that day we could see the extinction of the human race. They then provided a solution. They called the plan the Preservation of Species program and asked every nation to contribute 1% of their gross domestic product to a global galactic league of nations that would create colonies in other star systems to ensure the preservation of humanity. This program was also offered as an incentive for these countries to keep their knowledge of the solar event and our advanced space program colonies a secret.

Gonzales and I were introduced to Raymond (Director of Science and Technology Development) and Anya (Director of Colonial Security), who served with the Global Galactic League of Nations in one of their most remote colony outposts at the edge of our galaxy. Both of the GGLN representatives were caucasian and in their late 50’s or early 60’s and were dressed in dark blue jumpsuits that had all military designation patches removed.

Anya then gave a brief description of the history of the GGLN and the hardships participants went through as they were sent to various star systems to set up colonies in the program’s “Preservation of Species” mandate. They were sent to undeveloped planets to begin developing our cities and infrastructure that mirrored what we see on Earth fairly closely. Over decades of development, the cities and the population grew steadily and were replications of cities you would find on earth.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Military Tribunal Update - Joe Biden Identified As A Child Rapist and Human Trafficker - Whistleblower Testimony

Check out the 11 minute mark of this video.  Victim and survivor of child trafficking, Madyson Marquette, testifies at multiple military tribunals in Washington DC.  She confirms that Joe Biden is not running America and has identified him as her rapist and is involved with human trafficking.

New Secret Space Program Whistleblower - Daryl Talks About His '20 and Back' Career with Solar Warden and Dark Fleet

Part 1

Daryl was recruited into the secret space program where he worked with Kruger, Solar Warden, Dark Fleet and the Taygeteans. His military career began in January of 1999 when he joined the Navy to serve in the naval mobile construction battalion 7 where he served in the middle east and as well as two years of service at the JMF Joint Maritime Force/ RAF Royal Airforce base at the Saint Mawgan Base in the UK. During this time, he escorted executives into the underground portion of the base; where he encountered grey extraterrestrials and exotic technology which could scan his bio signs. He also encountered Michael Aquino, little people in cages, and had an argument with a reptilian that resulted in a forced slavery punishment in the mines on the moon and then was forced to swat bugs on Mars.

Not all of his experiences were bad, for five days he was granted German citizenship on their home world and even given a German wife which almost never happens for Americans. At the end of his service, he was debriefed through looking glass technology and was told some things that would happen in the future including civil unrest and him appearing on a show called Super Soldier Talk. Daryl will also like to share a summary of the notes from his SSP regression memories.  

Part 1:


This is part 2 of Daryl's ongoing interview about his experiences off world in the SSP where he worked with Kruger, Solar Warden, Dark Fleet and the Taygeteans.  

In part one of our interview Daryl shared about how he was recruited into the SSP. His military career began in January of 1999 when he joined the Navy to serve in the naval mobile construction battalion 7 where he served in the middle east and as well as two years of service at the JMF Joint Maritime Force/ RAF Royal Airforce base at the Saint Mawgan Base in the UK. During this time, he escorted executives into the underground portion of the base; where he encountered grey extraterrestrials and exotic technology which could scan his bio signs. He also encountered Michael Aquino, little people in cages, and had an argument with a reptilian that resulted in a forced slavery punishment in the mines on the moon and then was forced to swat bugs on Mars.

Not all of his experiences were bad for five days he was granted German citizenship on their home world and even given a German wife which almost never happens for Americans. In part 2 of our interview, today Daryl will be sharing more what happened to him after his time on the German home world, in which he spent 2 more years in Dark Fleet and then rest of the time with the Tageytans .

At the end of his service, he was debriefed through looking glass technology and was told some things that would happen in the future including civil unrest, fires, Clinton exposed, release of medical technology, disbursement of septillion dollars of Vatican Gold, and him appearing on a show called Super Soldier Talk. Daryl will also like to share a summary of the notes from his SSP regression memories.   

Daryl's contact info:
Daryl's Part 1 Video:

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Part 2:


Sunday, November 29, 2020

#MassArrests Update via MilSpecOpsMonkey - " record numbers of military aircraft" - November 28th, 2020


November 28th, 2020

Over the past few weeks, record numbers of military aircraft have taken to the skies over the United States. Normally, we see a number in the 250 range but the increase had us in the 1600+ range for several days. It is important to note that the military doesn’t always “squawk” on a transponder we can see, so the numbers are likely much higher.

In addition to this, there has been an uptick in the flight activity for known “farm birds” to black sites (shown in the picture above). Which, historically in the past, this was an indication we were about to see something big hit the news (e.g Epstein, Maxwell, etc). This “surge” however, seems to be continuing on like a never-ending gobstopper. Five aircraft are responsible for nearly 100 flights in just a few weeks.

Combine the two activities, and one could come to the conclusion we are about to see something go down that will certainly be historical in nature.

What does it all mean? I am looking at this from three different possible scenarios:

  1. People involved in the voting fraud are being pursued

  2. Members of the terrorist organization(s) BLM and ANTIFA are being pursued and/or human traffickers

  3. A combination of both

I say this because of several reasons. First and foremost, we know of the Dominion server that was apprehended in Germany just a few days after the election and we know the CIA is heavily involved in this activity. We have also witnessed the DOJ aircraft head to Toronto, Canada - also another home of the Dominion company. In addition to this, we have certain individuals who work for Dominion that have disappeared. Indicating they are either in hiding or they have been taken for a ride on one of our Ops birds. Given the magnitude of the crime, the need for a timely resolution, and this flurry of black site activity butted up against this event, I am inclined to say this is likely scenario #1 we are seeing unfold. However, it doesn’t fully account for the military birds.

That said, I have heard there are over 7000 cyber teams engaged in investigating this crime as well. Question is, are they military assets or civilian? Either way, more than likely they would be flying on a mix of commercial and military aircraft - assuming they are boots on the ground. If it is civilian, then the vast number of military aircraft wouldn’t be connected.

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Tuesday, October 13, 2020

New CIA Whistleblower - $152 Billion Dollars as a coverup for the murder of Seal Team 6

Anna Khait joins Gary Franchi to breakdown her bombshell tweet that is going viral across the web, “BREAKING: Allen Harrow Parrot (CIA whistleblower) tells Charles Woods (father of Tyrone Woods killed in Benghazi) that Obama and Biden sent Iran 152 Billion Dollars as a coverup for the deaths of Seal Team 6. Allen said that ALL of the proof will come out: documents and audio.” She's heard the audio and it implicates top Obama officials. 

See the interview with Anna Khait here: 

See the full AMP Fest presentation here: 

See the full whistleblower interview here: 

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EXPLOSIVE: UPDATE- CIA Whistleblower Exposes Biden’s Alleged Role with the Deaths of Seal Team- Claims to have Documented Proof

BREAKING: In this article is a full interview of a CIA Whistleblower, Allan Harrow Parrot, who is being interviewed by Charles Woods and Nicholas Noe. It surfaced on Sunday and shows the three talking about the blackmail /extortion of $152 Billion US dollars, that was sent to Iran to cover up the deaths of Seal Team 6 by the Obama/Biden administration.

Parrot, a former CIA agent, has extensive experience with the intelligence community, and he is planning on releasing documents this week on what he said are going to uncover “numerous crimes sprees”.

The following are updates that have unfolded since the article was originally published:

UPDATES 10/13 President Trump retweeted this article. 10/12 the maker of the videos below, toward the end of this article, confirm in this footage, that the documents have now been delivered to a “Congress Person” for evaluation:


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