The Global Galactic League of Nations declaration of independence from the ICC and associated Earth governments
Within a few days, after I had been on the last of our reconnaissance missions of the Orion Group, I was brought onboard a Mayan craft to attend a “conference call” between The SSP Alliance (not the real name for operational security) liaisons and two representatives who were at one time leaders within the secret program referred to as the Global Galactic League of Nations (not the real program name, for operation security).
The Global Galactic League of Nations (GGLN) is a very large program that is made up of participants of most of the countries of the world to some degree. After the Apollo missions to the moon, The US Government had a team of scientists and politicians approach every nation showing them geological proof from the moon that there is a cyclical solar event that would destroy our civilization. They told these nations we were overdue for the next solar event and that if it occurred on that day we could see the extinction of the human race. They then provided a solution. They called the plan the Preservation of Species program and asked every nation to contribute 1% of their gross domestic product to a global galactic league of nations that would create colonies in other star systems to ensure the preservation of humanity. This program was also offered as an incentive for these countries to keep their knowledge of the solar event and our advanced space program colonies a secret.
Gonzales and I were introduced to Raymond (Director of Science and Technology Development) and Anya (Director of Colonial Security), who served with the Global Galactic League of Nations in one of their most remote colony outposts at the edge of our galaxy. Both of the GGLN representatives were caucasian and in their late 50’s or early 60’s and were dressed in dark blue jumpsuits that had all military designation patches removed.
Anya then gave a brief description of the history of the GGLN and the hardships participants went through as they were sent to various star systems to set up colonies in the program’s “Preservation of Species” mandate. They were sent to undeveloped planets to begin developing our cities and infrastructure that mirrored what we see on Earth fairly closely. Over decades of development, the cities and the population grew steadily and were replications of cities you would find on earth.