Saturday, July 21, 2012

EU TIMES: US Military Reveals Coup Plan To Topple Obama

A shocking Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation (MTC) report red-lined to President Putin this morning warns that “various elements” within the US Military establishment are “actively planning” for the overthrow of President Barack Obama prior to the November elections.

According to this report, Russian Naval Infantry Forces commanders participating in Rim of the Pacific-2012 (RIMPAC) international naval war games off Hawaii (the world’s largest multi-national maritime exercise) this week were told by their US counterparts aboard the USS Port Royal (CG-73) that Obama had to be overthrown as he posed the most dangerous threat to the United States since the founding of their nation.

US Military commanders, this report continues, stated that American officers and soldiers, along with elected and appointed Federal government officials, all take an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, of which they claim Obama is one due to his overturning of established law and constitutional precedents bringing their country to the brink of all-out civil war.

Of particular concern to US Military leaders, this report says, is the unprecedented level of debt Obama has added since taking office that threatens the United States with an “economic Armageddon” the likes of which has never been seen and would force upon the Pentagon massive cuts beginning on 1 January 2013.

Behold a Pale Horse Trailer: Disclosing the Truth

Cosmic Vision News: July 20th 2012

Kauilapele: CVN (Cosmic Vision News) 7-20-12 with Geoffrey West… MP3s

This is today’s (7-20-12) Cosmic Vision News show.

More detailed information about the show’s topics may be viewed at

Just a few points that I have got so far as I’m listening to the show.
  • Changes in the approach to Native American claims against Canada, the Royal Family, and the Vatican.
  • Neil Keenan email to Geoffrey was shared. He is moving forward. What Drake reported (Wednesday) was validated, namely, the liens have had their intended effect.
  • The commentary by Geoffrey at about 15 minutes may be very helpful in assisting those to follow their own Higher Discernment when discerning “The Truth”
  • Former World Bank head, Joseph Stiglitz, said it is now time for bankers to face the music.
  • Scott Mowry’s report on the LIBOR scandal.
  • Katie Holmes divorce from Tom Cruise, and separation from the Church of Scientology, reported by Ashley Lutz, may be leading to information regarding the Church’s practices. Scientology may be splitting apart.
  • Vatican has been rocked by recent events, news reports, and insiders information.
  • The upcoming Olympics and dark cabal influences. But also opportunity of world awakening as result of the Light coming in. Galactic families making an appearance?
  • New (to Geoffrey) website Wonderful news of new technology.
  • Geoffrey took a couple of questions from listeners. And gave a very non-judgmental response.
  • Geoffrey took a couple of questions from listeners. And gave a very positive, non-judgmental response to one caller.
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MP3s (each part, 30 min., 5 MB) (volume leveled and boosted)
Part 1
Part 2
Complete show (with music) (60 min., 10 MB)

Radio Show Link:

Current show (7-20-12):

Show summary:

Wanderer of the Skies: Galactic Federation Message - July 21, 2012

Greetings from the Federation:

While you may not believe so, there is much that is going on in your world toward the results that the divine plan has been anticipating for a long time.  We are here to see you through these times of doubt and help you in your mission.  We understand the hardship that your memory loss of who you are and where you came from have brought upon you.  We care and we are here.  While you may not understand all the actions and non-actions that have been played out on the world stage, we say to you that all is proceeding according to the plan that was put in place long ago and you are all on course.

Reports will shortly come into your media of a large shift in energy patterns on your world that have been measured and observed by your scientists.  These shifts are part of the ever widening expansion of the energy lifting your world out of its entanglement.  Pay particular attention to the degree to which these shifts have been noticed and you will understand the massive effects this energy is having on your world today.

As we have always told you, the changes you see in your world do not come as a Hollywood movie, but as a gradual set of circumstances that culminate in the desired change the plan seeks to accomplish.  You expected to see massive changes in the structures of your governments, banking and business communities, but this upset would have been far too much for your people to handle.  These changes, like all necessary changes, are gradual in nature and sometimes imperceptible at first.  Yet, they are here and underway.  Have you not perceived the subtle but very powerful shift in the perception of your people towards the banking cartels?  Have you not witnessed the slowing down of Gaia’s natural disasters?  Have you not felt the shift in thinking of world leaders towards those issues and events which are people oriented and not solely beneficial to corporate interests?  These subtle changes are what the behind-the-scenes moves, deals, and actions have been about.

Almost Entire Congress Refuses to Release Tax Returns

'Members of Congress are demanding that U.S. presidential candidate Mitt Romney give full disclosure of all of his tax returns, but most are refusing to publicize their own.

The presumptive presidential nominee has disclosed his 2010 tax return and 2011 tax return estimate, but refuses to publicize any more. His refusal is generating critical responses from Congressional members, who claim his secrecy makes him unfit to run for president.

However most members of Congress do not think that this same level of transparency should apply to them. While senators and representatives are required to publicize their sources of income, they are not required to disclose their tax returns, which contain additional financial data like spousal income.'

Read more: Almost Entire Congress Refuses to Release Tax Returns

Scandal At The IMF: Senior Economist Resigns, Says "Ashamed To Have Had Any Association With Fund At All"

The rats everywhere are now jumping furiously off the titanic, but few had taken the time to write a letter explaining in detail just how cracked and broken the hull really was. This has now changed, with the departure of Peter Doyle, formerly a division chief in the IMF’s European Department responsible for non-crisis countries and currently an adviser to the Fund. Not content with quietly slinking off the scandal ridden organization which has become the butt of all jokes in the international community, where humor about Lagarde's Louis Vuitton panhandling bag is as pervasive as punchlines about just how incompetent the organization is at actually doing its duty, Doyle has penned the following scathing letter which tears down every myth about the IMF: from its impartiality, to the selection process of its head, to its effectiveness.

The letter also contains the following gem: "After twenty years of service, I am ashamed to have had any association with the Fund at all." Pretty much says it all. This is a scandal in the making, and one which may shake to the core the credibility of the IMF in the context of international organization.

Full letter (pdf)
European Department
Washington DC
June 18, 2012

To Mr. Shaalan, Dean of the IMF Executive Board

Today, I addressed the Executive Board for the last time—because I am leaving the Fund.
Accordingly, I wanted first to formally express my deep appreciation to the Swedish, Israeli, and Danish authorities with whom I have worked recently, as well as all others with whom I have worked earlier, for their extraordinary generosity towards me personally.
But I also wanted to take this opportunity to explain my departure.

After twenty years of service, I am ashamed to have had any association with the Fund at all.
This is not solely because of the incompetence that was partly chronicled by the OIA report into the global crisis and the TSR report on surveillance ahead of the Euro Area crisis. Moreso, it is because the substantive difficulties in these crises, as with others, were identified well in advance but were suppressed here. Given long gestation periods and protracted international decision-making processes to head off both these global challenges, timely sustained warnings were of the essence. So the failure of the Fund to issue them is a failing of the first order, even if such warnings may not have been heeded. The consequences include suffering (and risk of worse to come) for many including Greece, that the second global reserve currency is on the brink, and that the Fund for the past two years has been playing catch-up and reactive roles in the last-ditch efforts to save it.

Further, the proximate factors which produced these failings of IMF surveillance—analytical risk aversion, bilateral priority, and European bias—are, if anything, becoming more deeply entrenched, notwithstanding initiatives which purport to address them. This fact is most clear in regard to appointments for Managing Director which, over the past decade, have all-too-evidently been disastrous. Even the current incumbent is tainted, as neither her gender, integrity, or élan can make up for the fundamental illegitimacy of the selection process. In a hierarchical place like this, the implications of those choices filter directly to others in senior management, and via the appointments, fixed term contracts, and succession planning of senior staff, they go on to infuse the organization as a whole, overwhelming everything else. A handicapped Fund, subject to those proximate roots of surveillance failure, is what the Executive Board prefers. Would that I had understood twenty years ago that this would be the choice.

There are good salty people here. But this one is moving on. You might want to take care not to lose the others.

After Colorado Massacre, Calls for Urgent Gun Reform

Published on Friday, July 20, 2012 by Common Dreams  - Common Dreams staff

A heavily armed gunman opened fire in a packed movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, early Friday, killing 12 people and injuring at least 38 more including children. Victims’ accounts of the horrific events have filled the airwaves; however, today’s incident has also brought out many voices pleading for greater gun reform in the United States.

The shooter burst through the exit door at the bottom of a Denver area movie theater during a midnight showing of “The Dark Knight Rises.” In a bullet proof vest and armed with several weapons, the shooter threw a teargas canister into the auditorium before opening fire.

Police arrested the suspect outside of the theater who told them he also had explosives in his car and apartment. Police have not found any explosives in the vehicle but reported that the suspect’s apartment does appear to be rigged with explosives.

Police have now identified the suspect as James Holmes, 24, of Aurora.
Some suggest “this is not the time” to debate gun violence issues; however, writing for the Guardian, Gary Younge, instead, insists today,
At least 12 people have died. Their families must be given space to mourn, and that space should be respected. But it does not honor the dead to insist that there must be no room in that space for rational thought and critical appraisal. Indeed, such situations demand both.

For one can only account for so many “isolated” incidents before it becomes necessary to start dealing with a pattern. It is simply not plausible to understand events in Colorado this Friday without having a conversation about guns in a country where more than 84 people a day are killed with guns, and more than twice that number are injured with them. [...]

The trite insistence that “guns don’t kill people, people kill people” simply avoids the reality that people can kill people much more easily with guns than anything else that’s accessible. Americans understand this. That’s why a plurality supports greater gun control, and a majority thinks the sale of firearms should be more tightly regulated. [...]
The gun lobby has proved sufficiently potent in rallying opposition to virtually all gun control measures that Democrats have all but given up on arguing for it. In the meantime, the country is literally and metaphorically dying for it.
Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence President Dan Gross stated:
On behalf of the Brady Campaign, I send our deepest sympathies to the families of the victims and survivors of the mass shooting in Aurora, Colorado.
This tragedy is another grim reminder that guns are the enablers of mass killers and that our nation pays an unacceptable price for our failure to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. We are outraged. [...]
As someone who has suffered the lasting impact of gun violence, and President of Brady, I can tell you that we don’t want sympathy. We want action. Just this past April 16, the anniversary of the worst mass shooting in American history, 32 victims of gun violence joined us to demand Congress take action to stop arming dangerous people.
In response to the Virginia Tech shooting not so long ago, a board member of Small Arms Survey, Moser-Puangsuwan had stated: “Other Western countries like Australia and the UK have one mass shooting, then institute policies on guns and don’t have a repeat. In the U.S., it happens again and again.”

Today Moser-Puangsuwan continued: ‘It’s tragic that my comment remains true and this has happened — yet again.’”

Video: Awakening 2012

Titanic Banks Hit LIBOR Iceberg: Will Lawsuits Sink the Ship?

Friday, 20 July 2012 09:48 -  By Ellen Brown,  - Truthout | News Analysis
Jamie Dimon, left, the chief executive of JPMorgan Chase, and Lloyd Blankfein, the chief executive of Goldman Sachs.

Jamie Dimon, left, the chief executive of JPMorgan Chase, and Lloyd Blankfein, the chief executive of Goldman Sachs, after a meeting in Washington, March 27, 2009. (Photo: Doug Mills / The New York Times)

At one time, calling the large multinational banks a “cartel” branded you as a conspiracy theorist.

Today, the banking giants are being called that and worse, not just in the major media but in court documents intended to prove the allegations as facts. Charges include racketeering (organized crime under the US Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act or RICO), antitrust violations, wire fraud, bid rigging and price fixing.

Damning charges have already been proven and major damages and penalties assessed. Conspiracy theory has become conspiracy fact.

Click Here to continue reading.

2MIN News July 21, 2012: Raining Fire, Ionic Earth, Quake Watch

Word of Caution about “The Galactic Federation OF LIGHT” Petition

The article was seen here.

Thank you Barbara for recommending this article. It’s very timely in light of Greg Giles’ post yesterday stating the cabal had been engaged in battle in various American cities.

I made a point of saying that I was aware of issues in Greg’s channeled messages  in the past, and I never go to his site, yet ended up there twice yesterday due to referrals from others. Perhaps it’s best to air this now.

Greg says he brings us messages from Ashtar Command and the Galactic Federation of Light—not to be confused with “The Galactic Federation”. I’ve heard negative things about Ashtar and the GFoL in the past, and based on some fear-inducing and controlling messages Greg has brought us, I don’t have a warm, fuzzy feeling about it all. 

I have nothing against Greg personally; I don’t know him, but I don’t believe he’s “clear” and I’ve come to discount his messages. He may even be a “plant”. I don’t know, but I prefer to avoid it all.

For any new initiates into the spiritual life we all have, it’s not wise to connect to other entities when you’re not clear and don’t know what you’re doing. It’s also not a good idea to connect with unknown entities. Experts can often “feel” the energy of a non-physical spirit and know that it’s the soul of the intended that they are channeling, but some are better at this than others.

In addition, all that is required to render anything into being as far as energy goes, is really just an intention; an affirmative from our mind, heart or lips. If we see a petition to invite beings to Earth and we are not completely aware of what we’re doing, we can invite negative entities who mean us harm and they are only too eager to accept our invitation. Not a good idea. 

We are the “babies of the Universe” because the truth of our spiritual nature has been hidden from most of us. There is much we have yet to learn about the non-physical world. There’s a war going on, and the cabal, archons, and other negative energies are not something we want to mess with. If we inadvertently open the door, we may regret it. 

Gaia is the name of the soul who gives our planet life. She is a soul like you and I, and she rejects the GFoL/Velon. That should be an indicator of best practices in this regard.

Regarding The Galactic Federation Of Light Petition

There is a petition being passed around on the internet from aliens who call themselves “The Galactic Federation of Light” where they ask people to make an affirmation to invite the Galactic Federation of Light (GFOL) to come to Earth.

Think about that request for a second:

If the Earth felt that an alien organisation such as the GFOL would help people during this time of major transition, they would already be working with us as the Earth, Herself, would have invited them in. The fact that the GFOL is not working with us shows that the Earth considers that they are of no use either to people or to the Earth.

The GFOL, as well as many other alien organisations such as The Galactic Council, Ashtar Command, Arch Angels, Angels, Annunaki, Hathor, Ascended Sirians, Arcturians, etc etc are different names put together by an alien race who are more properly known as the Velon.
The Velon first arrived outside our solar system in the early 1700′s – the Earth did not allow them access at that time and She has resisted ALL attempts by the Velon to enter the solar system ever since.

FBI theater attack warning issued on May 17, 2012

A warning of a possible theater attack was issued by the FBI on May 17th and then removed. Dutchsinse got a copy of it. 
Found at American Kabuki