Monday, December 24, 2012

US deploying troops to 35 African countries

U.S. Marines arrive with equipment at the United States embassy in Monrovia, Liberia (Reuters / Luc Gnago)
U.S. Marines arrive with equipment at the United States embassy in Monrovia, Liberia (Reuters / Luc Gnago)

The United States Army will be deploying troops to nearly three-dozen African nations in the coming year.

Soldiers based out of Fort Riley, Kansas’ 2nd Brigade, 1st Infantry Division will begin training in March 2013 in order to prepare for a project that will send troops to as many as 35 African nations, the Associated Press reports.

Citing a growing threat from extremist groups, including those with ties to al-Qaeda, the Department of Defense is hoping to install American soldiers overseas in order to prepare local troops there for any future crises as tensions escalate.

Giant Cube Recorded By NASA Near Sun On Dec 21, 2012. NASA Source.

Date of sighting: December 21, 2012
Location of sighting: Earths Sun

I was looking at the NASA/SOHO images and noticed that the black cube is back. This is on the NASA site right now so if you want to check for yourself please click the link below. This cube has been seen near the sun several times a month. Odd that it chose Dec 21, 2012. Sometimes this cube even is three dimensional so you can see it is really a cube. It is black because it is not hot like the sun is. They do have advanced tech millions or billions of years ahead of us so flying near the sun is not a fear of theirs, but what are they harvesting from the sun so often? Photo from SOHO EIT 284. SCW

Tom Heneghan: Update for December 23, 2012

Sunday December 23, 2012

World Economy Ready for a Reset 
by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Expert
UNITED States of America - It can now be reported that IMF President Christine Lagarde has reached agreement with the U.S. branch of the IMF, U.S. Internal Revenue Service and the Austrian banks on the bilateral tax agreement between the U.S. and European IMF wings that will lead to the final implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols that will put $1.5 TRILLION back in the U.S. Treasury.

Item: The concensus that has been reached by U.S. and European IMF officials includes the repatriation of 14.7 metric tons of Somalian gold that is currently sitting in vaults at the Brazilian treasury.

At this hour, the IMF continues Protocol implementation, asset redemption and repatriation with creation of sovereign draw down accounts that will write down the toxic derivative holdings of zombi financial institutions like the German Deutsche Bank.

The German Deutsche Bank, which had their proprietary trading accounts frozen by the IMF one week ago, is currently holding a significant amount of Japanese government bonds.

The Central Bank of Japan continues a policy of depreciating the value of the yen and lowering the borrowing costs to its lenders.

Notice to the Central Bank of Japan: The IMF is ready to give the Deutsche Bank a haircut at the IMF barbershop.

John MacHaffie: OPC Status Update

For The Record folks -------

When the RV actually happens and the initial funds come in, OPC WILL be off like a flash.

The 10K BUG ME gifts WILL be out first followed by the HOT DIRE STRAITS and DIRE STRAITS.

The OPC site(s) WILL be activated and our Wonderful Angels Will be distributing the blessings.

Donors (from the PP) who have expressed interest WILL be contacted and names WILL be provided to them.

This has been the wildest roller coaster in my 65 years. I be so glad to get off!

GOD Will Bless You And Yours,

John MacHaffie   HIS humble servant

Benjamin Fulford Update for December 24, 2012

The New World Order has been defeated but the Old World Order is still fighting

There are growing signs that the Bush/Nazi New World Order Nazi faction has been defeated but that the Rockefellers and their allies in the Old World Order faction are still fighting to preserve their power. It has also now been confirmed that the new Japanese government headed by Shinzo Abe and the Liberal Democratic Party was put in place via a disguised military coup d’etat, according to Japanese military intelligence sources. This implies the Rockefellers and their minions are being forced out of Japan, a CIA source added. This means 66 years of hostile foreign occupation of Japan may be about to end. There is still secret fighting going on though.

The gnostic illuminati faction in the West, for its part, is claiming victory and saying that “President Obama will leave the White House hanging by his neck from a helicopter.”

Of course the jury is still out on all this and only actual events and not talk, will determine if what the various sources are saying is true. However, it looks like it will be a Merry Solar New Year (even the pope now admits Christmas was not Christ’s birthday), and the power of love and friendship is winning over the forces of fear and hate.

White Hats Report #47.1

Twas the night before Christmas (Updated)

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the land, The rats were all scurrying because Judgment Day is at hand; Their stockings were filled with big lumps of coal, It was their payment for trying to steal our soul;

The children were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of freedom danced in their heads; With mama in her pj’s and I with my pipe, Reading the media’s most recent NWO hype;

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, I put down my pipe to see what was the matter; I moved to the door to peek through the crack, Expecting to see Homeland Security and the men in black;

As I opened the door and listened and looked, I could hear thundering hooves and I thought I was cooked; I braced for the worst then saw the white horses, It was Paladin and his posse and all the special forces;

It was cold and snowy but their heads they were covered, It was a sea of white hats as I soon would discover; Tman and Wild Bill and rest of the crew They were carrying a flag, the old red, white and blue;

Patriots for sure, one and all, Unafraid to take the fight right up to city hall; And after that was done, all the way to DC, They were bound and determined for all to be free;