A gigantic hole has appeared in the Antarctic ice, and scientists are baffled as to why it has formed. The hole, comparable in size to Austria or Maine, appeared without warning and without any apparent reason.
But this hole didn't form along the Antarctic
coastline, where all the sea ice is. Instead, it's hundreds of miles
inland. Speaking to Motherboard, professor of atmospheric physics Kent
Moore with the University of Toronto called the massive hole "quite
remarkable," like someone "punched a hole in the ice."
The same spot was the site of a polynya 40 years ago, according to Moore. However, the hole went largely unstudied due to limitations of observational instruments in the 1970s. The polynya opened back in September, according to Moore. "In the depths of winter, for more than a month, we've had this area of open water. It's just remarkable that this polynya went away for 40 years and then came back."
Moore, who is also a member of Princeton
University's Southern Ocean Carbon and Climate Observations and
Modelling project (SOCCOM), said that climatologists are excited
for another opportunity to study the mysterious hole in the
ice."Compared to 40 years ago, the amount of data we have is amazing,"
he said. "At that time, the scientific community had just launched the
first satellites that provided images of the sea-ice cover from space."
However, the polynya will affect oceans worldwide. "Once the sea ice melts back, you have this huge temperature contrast between the ocean and the atmosphere," he explained to Motherboard. "It can start driving convection," the process by which warm water rises to the surface of the ocean, "which can keep the polynya open once it starts."
Because of this feedback loop of warm water
rising to the surface as a result of the polynya, it may be a long while
before it closes again. "We don't really understand the long-term
impacts this polynya will have," Moore told National Geographic.