Sunday, January 1, 2017

Khazarian Mafia Update - Senators Klobuchar, McCain, Graham in Ukraine (Khazaria)

Who are the Khazarian Mafia?  Read here for more info.

Klobuchar, McCain, Graham in Ukraine (Khazaria), Baltic States, and Georgia to Reinforce Support for NATO With Focus on Cybersecurity

Bipartisan congressional delegation is led by Senator John McCain, the Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and also includes Klobuchar and Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina

Senators to meet with Presidents and Prime Ministers of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Georgia, and Montenegro

WASHINGTON, DC – This week, U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar is in Ukraine, the Baltic states, and Georgia to reinforce support for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and to focus on mounting international cybersecurity problems. The bipartisan congressional delegation is being led by Republican Senator John McCain from Arizona, the Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and also includes Klobuchar and Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina.

Welcoming In 2017 by Victoria1111

                         LOVE IN ACTION NOW


The year the dark ones are gathered up and sent to Saturn.

The year for disclosure.

The year for reunion.

The year for the release of prosperity funds.

The year for the release of free energy devices and replicators.

The year for the release of healing technologies that heal and restore us to any age we wish, quickly, easily and painlessly.

The year for TRUTH.

The year for celebration and renewal.

The year we meet again with our galactic brother’s sister’s friends and family.

The year this woman gets her flying ship!  (Enough dreaming and pretending my human made automobile can fly.  Girl is ready to fly her ship again!)

The year I can talk about this with anyone and everyone without being given “the look”.


The year for transformation.








I am ready and intending.

I hope you are too.


Energetic Synthesis: We are in the Pinnacle of the Ascension Cycle

Welcome to Energetic Synthesis.  I am Lisa Renee, your Ascension guide.

We are in the pinnacle of the Ascension Cycle, which marks the end of the 3rd dimensional collective timelines on the earth.  As the planet is moving into higher frequencies that are located in a future time space, it is shifting the planetary Consciousness into a future dimensional octave.  This skips the entire planetary Consciousness field, therefore, the collective human Consciousness into future timelines that resonate with much higher dimensional frequencies.  Many of us that have been on the Ascension Timeline for many years have already transcended these lower dimensional timelines.  What is important to discern now is that this is a major planetary event that is impacting everyone on the earth and beyond, to be catalyzed into the Dark Night of the Soul, which is necessary for disclosure of humanity’s true origins in order to return that knowledge back to the inhabitants of the earth.

The people that remain in the 3rd dimensional Consciousness paradigm will find themselves increasingly uncomfortable, extremely pressurized and unhappy, thus, many people will feel the squeezing pressure to transform rapidly through the alchemical theme of polarity synthesis, which helps to bring completion to these old karmic patterns from the past if we are willing to let them go, with forgiveness.  This purging process will add or subtract the required blueprint patterns that we may need to meet with these new coordinates within the earth grid, and to help clear out the Artificial Intelligence, to flush out the hidden Dark Force influence and Mind Control that has impacted every aspect of our lives on earth.  We are being purged deeply of the false identity and deceptions, while the remaining authentic content is processed into Higher Light and Consciousness, to be stabilized and synthesized into our physical body in order to improve energetic coherence, heart-opening, and spiritual strength.

Information For Your Zimbabwe Currency Exchange - January 1, 2017

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Zimbabwe Currency Exchange
White Paper
January 1, 2017


Denomination Sizes
All notes
* Bring everything

Printing Issues
All series
* Bring everything

Exchange Locations
1,700+ in North America

Screen Rate
1.00 USD
* Values less than the screen rate are also available

Sovereign Rate
Max: 125,000 USD
* A sovereign rate will be determined by exchange banker and depend on the scope of your humanitarian projects and job creation vision, capability and experience

Trump Moves To ABOLISH The Federal Reserve And Institute Gold Standard,800x800,075,f.u4.jpg
Trump Moves To ABOLISH The Federal Reserve And Institute Gold Standard

Donald Trump won the election in a landslide because of bold ideas. His ideas would erase and remove decades of failed policies and corrupt agendas that have plagued this country for too long. As Trump’s transition team continues to fill his cabinet, more and more attention continues to surround the possible selections for a variety of high-ranking positions and meetings that might help decide these appointments. On Monday, Trump held a meeting with John Allison, the former CEO of the bank BB&T and of the libertarian think tank the Cato Institute. We have seen several reports indicating that Trump is considering Allison for Treasury secretary. On the campaign trail, Trump often questioned the future of the Federal Reserve’s political independence. In line with these comments, Allison wants to abolish Federal Reserve all together and go back to the gold standard. In fact, Allison takes that rhetoric one step further.

While acting as the head of the Cato Institute, Allison published several thesis indicating that the Federal Reserve was obsolete and needed to be abolished as it restricts power from the people and allows billionaire cronies to run banks globally.

“I would get rid of the Federal Reserve because the volatility in the economy is primarily caused by the Fed,” Allison wrote in 2014 for the Cato Journal.…-standard/

5 Month Before Kennedy Assassination He SIgned Executive Order Getting Rid Of Federal Reserve.

Philippines President Duterte Calls Out Vatican For Pedophilia & Gold Hoarding

This article was first seen at

(Lance Schuttler) The Philippines president Rodrigo Duterte is not backing down. Just one day after calling out U.S. ambassadors as “CIA spies,” Duterte has now criticized the top of the elite’s pyramid: The Vatican.

Source - The Mind Unleashed

by Lance Schuttler, December 30th 2016

After the Vatican staged a photo exhibition to commemorate victims of the drug war happening in the Philippines, according to President Duterte lashed out at the Vatican and did not hold back:

“You say Duterte killer. You priests, you blame me for the deaths of thousands of drug addicts, even those who died in hospitals, you still blame me. But you are the ones who killed Christ.”

The president also said that the Vatican hasn’t helped in any way to end the drug war:

“[They don’t do] anything against illegal drugs. They never bothered to help. The Church is not giving anything even if they collect so much. My statement is full of sarcasm because they [priests] have been criticizing me. They are hypocrites.”

Duterte also said that he believes in God and Allah, but does not believe in organized religion and that the Vatican’s religion is about gold hoarding, as well as putting the fear of hell into it’s followers:

“Do not believe it. That is what that religion is all about, they are instilling fear that you will go to hell if you are a sinner. But you will only know if there is indeed a hell if you die… Be careful about religion, it is about gold. It is about gold. They have not done anything. Where is their God and their grace? There is the hypocrisy of it all.”