Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What if everything you were led to believe is a lie?

What if everything you were led to believe is a lie?
By Dr. Tom Murasso

After falling into the "what's really going on in the world rabbit hole" almost 40 years ago, I've spent the majority of my life searching for the answers to "Who we are" and "What we are doing here." And, even though I'll never stop discovering the answers (the rabbit hole is really deep!), I have been able to make sense of quite a bit of what I consider to be the TRUTH.

As of late, I'm finding more and more people down in the rabbit hole with me. With the popularity of the Internet, information is flying around the globe at uncanny speed. Lots of us are asking questions. Lots of us are getting answers. And frankly, a lot of the information isn't very pretty. The light is shining in the darkness. But, what do we do with the light bulb once it's turned on?

So, before I respond, let me say that in addition to being a self-empowerment author, I'm also an intuitive life coach utilizing the Law of Attraction principles. I've researched information from ancient texts, the Bible, 'New Thought" authors from the turn of the century, Neville Goddard, and channeled material from Edgar Cayce, the Pleaidians, Bashar through Darryl Anka, and Abraham through Esther Hicks (among others).

Of course, each author, teacher, or channel has their unique spin on Universal Law, but the common thread that runs through all the information I've researched is: WE CREATE OUR REALITY.

And, as I like to get a feel for what people are thinking, I posted the question above, "What if everything you were led to believe is a lie?" on my Face Book page. Questions like these tend to bring a lively discussion and the responses are a good barometer of how people are navigating life on this spinning planet.

My question sparked a myriad of responses ranging from "It IS a lie!", and "It doesn't matter as long as you feel good." to "It's all a dream".

And, judging from the comments, on the one hand we have the people who know something is amiss, and on the other, those that don't know, don't care, or don't want to know.

Apparently, after viewing some of the other things I post about inconsistencies I've discovered concerning secret governments, deliberate poisoning of our food, air, and water, as well as our corrupt financial system, medical, educational, and pharmaceutical industries, I was asked how I could resolve the negative things I was uncovering and still keep my "vibration" high as taught by Abraham-Hicks. In other words, shouldn't I just ignore these BAD things and any bad feelings they bring??? Well, Abe speaks of feeling good all the time and ignoring this stuff just doesn't feel good to me.

So, what do we do with the light bulb once it's turned on? We really only have two choices. Most people choose to react with FEAR. This can play out as burying our heads in the sand, ignoring or denying it, ridiculing the messenger (me), or getting angry and ready to revolt.

The other choice is LOVE. But before I talk about that, let me give you a little background on CREATING REALITY.

As I said above, WE create our reality. All of it! We do this on a PERSONAL level (relationships, abundance, well-being, etc.) and on a COLLECTIVE level (gravity, the sun rising and setting, world events, etc.). End of story.

OK, not the end of the story because there are really TWO ways we create reality - consciously and unconsciously. Most people create unconsciously.

Now, the question remains... HOW do people create reality? The answer is quite simple. Reality is created by the BELIEFS that we hold. In other words, whatever we believe is reflected back to us as reality.

Now, I can't go into much of the dynamics of how this plays out in this short essay, but know that BELIEF SYSTEMS - which includes thoughts, feelings, expectations, and desires - are the energies creating reality. Now, end of story.

As I said, most people create unconsciously which means the things they 'believe' are like subconscious computer programs running in their minds. And the sad thing is most of these beliefs were 'installed' by their parents, religions, nationalities, media, etc. at a very early age. Here's a clue: Most beliefs people have are not their own! Some might call these belief programs, viruses. And, the chaos, death and destruction on the planet is a testament to unconscious creation.

Ahhh, but alas, some people are waking up! They are creating reality CONSCIOUSLY! They are realizing they have ALWAYS created reality, but now they are mindful of the thoughts they hold - the beliefs they entertain... they see evidence in their personal reality.

So, what if everything you were led to BELIEVE is a lie?

Hmm... If that was so, that would mean someone or something is MANIPULATING the creation of our COLLECTIVE reality. And, now knowing this tidbit of information, how could we respond with that other choice... LOVE?

I've come to the conclusion that EVIL is a choice. It's not a thing. Entities choose service to self - me, me, me - service to others, or service to all. Some people are so lacking in the love department, they only know to replace this hole in their hearts with power and control. So, without going into a philosophical discussion, let me state that YES, there is a group of individuals that have manipulated a reality such as the one we are witnessing for their selfish ends and WE helped them do it by BELIEVING the lies they have spoon-fed us for centuries.

So, now you know... Are you mad? Don't be. Are you afraid? Don't be. Can you create reality? Of course, that's what I'm talking about and... it's up to you and me to change reality for the better!

Instead of being afraid or angry... instead of burying your head in the sand and ignoring what you see going on around you... TAKE BACK YOUR CREATIVE POWER! Send these little buggers the love they so desire and simply stop BELIEVING their lies. Help your friends see through the illusion. Stop agreeing to the reality manufactured by the media. Stop participating in it.

This is exactly what Abraham says - focus on what you want! Jesus said to turn the other cheek. He didn't mean ignore the negativity, he meant observe it but don't participate in it. Bashar and quantum physicists tell us there is a buffet of time-lines we can choose if we're not happy with the one we're living. All it takes is choosing something different - and WE have that power to choose!

And, most of all keep choosing LOVE. Be grateful, appreciative. Thank these bad boys for giving you the contrast - no, the opportunity - to BELIEVE in and CREATE a better world for ALL.

© 2013 Tom Murasso

Dr. Tom Murasso is self-empowerment author, speaker, life coach, and friendly neighborhood guru. He started his journey of self-discovery over 40 years ago as he searched for the answers to the questions: who we are and why we're here. His path led to the study of metaphysics, the esoteric arts, and the coveted secrets of the ancient mystery schools. He can be contacted through his website:

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