Friday, February 7, 2014


The game of FEAR can leave you in panic and a state of shock. At times it can also make you do irrational things, and get you stuck in that realm of information.

FEAR= False Evidence Appearing Real

Do we have anything out there to fear?

Well of course we do to a point. We have people out there ready to go to war trying to exert their power over the world.

So how do we win this?

It’s not about winning as if we are playing a game. There are people that want you to think this. As we remove the fear and no longer pay attention to it, their stage in which you are fixated to; crumbles even faster. What it is about is removing the fear from your life and coming together to fix the things that we know need to change. We can’t do this by sitting around on the internet all day, as that is just a place we can spread awareness. Either way the world of cyber space stays in the world of cyber space. Let’s take those ideas from Cyber Space and put them into our physical space. Communities need to act and get together in real time. We need to come together again and work together. Set aside all those differences we enjoy arguing about so much. Who’s right, who’s wrong, what’s happening next! As things around the world change while more, and more people awaken to the truths; we are changing things right before our eyes.

To top all this off our intentions are 100% affecting all that is around us. As we learn to hold ourselves in a higher space through our hearts on a daily basis, our reality starts to match that which we desire. You can see it all around you. The system that is in place is slowly crumbling before our eyes. All that we have been indoctrinated into is coming to a head, and the truth of the game they played is shocking; yet coming to the forefront of more people’s awareness. Once we become aware of that which was done, we start to come together for the common good of all. Humanity is at a place today where more are coming to the realization that this system is not working. At the same time around the world people are taking action to bring forward new systems, and new ways of working together to better the world as a whole.

Those who still believe that this is all there is in life, they are still unaware of all that is going on. As we wake up one at a time and learn to leave our differences aside, we find strength in numbers. It is there that we will find the pot of gold at the end of rainbow. That pot of gold is something that is much more precious than any metal. It is Union in the way of the Highest Divine Good and Truth for all of Humanity. It is using Love itself to come together. LOVE OF LIFE! There are those who do not value the life of others. They view it as a commodity to pump up their own FEAR! We must remember that those that are out there who claim to be running the show, are also running in fear. They let themselves be over taken by the egoic mind, and let power darken their hearts. They to FEAR! They fear losing control, being found out, amongst other things.

When I look at things in life I always look at it as if I was in the other person’s shoes. I always take the time to remember what life for the other was like. All experiences in life shape, and mold who and what we become. I am more able to see things from another view point, although most is just hypothesis; because I am not in their shoes. It does allow me to step back and understand that they too, have been brainwashed. It is important to view the other person’s life and situation, look at it from their perspective. When doing so we can have more compassion for others and understand why and how things turned out the way they were; regardless of if they were right or wrong.

I would say that as the world changes and we prepare to go through this bumpy ride, we ensure we are as prepared as we can be and also stick together. When those people come along that you are unable to reason with, and make things toxic, it is time to give them their space with love and respect. Hope that they to come around when they are ready, and keep your door open to embrace them when they are. We all make mistakes, but it does not mean we spread hate to others.

So when you are out there in cyber space or amongst people I would think it best to remember a few things. When you read things and take in information always remember this:

If it is loaded with anything that involves FEAR you must always question it. If it is loaded with things to make you feel as if you are a VICTIM, it is always good to question it. If it is loaded with stuff that makes you sound LOWER then another, it is good to question it. If it is loaded with stuff that tells you to sit around and WAIT, you must always question it.

When I say question it, I mean sit back and research that which is. Don’t let the emotional stance of FEAR itself take over your mind. It’s like a sticky oil spill that pollutes everything. I surely know that if I was an Ascended Master or at such a higher level of Spirituality, I would definitely NOT speak down to anyone as if they were different or lower then. I would not instill fear in their lives. I would know that all things are infinite, and there is nothing at all to fear! It is always important to remember you are 70% or so water. So if this is what FEAR and anything that goes along with it does to water; what is it doing to you?
The power of thought is so important. I know that I have noticed that if I am in a bad mood, I just don’t physically feel good. When I am in a great mood and up and running about keeping myself active, I am feeling awesome.

There are only 2 emotions that exist. All other emotions can be categorized under those 2 emotions. Those are:

I could write words for days that can be placed under those 2 categories. I would say that I myself would want to come from only 1 of those. So in these times of such confusing when it comes to information, and all that is out there. Let’s remember that our thoughts are so important and have a profound effect on us physically. They also have a profound effect on the reality we live in as they slowly change that which is. So let’s remember that those that are out there, who want to continue to play their games have a stage. That stage is sitting before us. We are their audience. If the audience is no longer paying attention, they have NO MORE GAMES to play. I for one no longer want to be a part of their show.
So let’s come together and start finding more solutions and put our solutions to work. We don’t want any more lip service. We have heard enough talking heads and empty promises. It’s time we become our own talking head of ourselves. We have to take back who we are and quit giving them any of our energy. After all when the New Paradigm hits us, it’s not going to happen overnight. With all change there is always some form of chaos that comes along. This is usually from those that are unaware of what is going on, and it is from FEAR of change itself; so the more of us that are aware, the more of us there are to help those along when we go through these changes.

I am ready for the New Paradigm, are you; because it’s happening already!

                                          Click photo to listen

There is a lot to learn for us all including myself. The journey of learning and the path to Enlightenment never ends. We just keep on going UP, UP and away. Come on you guys, you can’t limit creation itself. It’s infinite!!!!!!  So look in the mirror because you to are, “CREATION”!  So that in turn, makes you INFINITE!!!!!!!!!!! So be that infinite you and stop letting others tell you what to think and feel. Your truth is within and always will be!



NOTE: Don't forget to click on the pictures for wonderful informative videos. Remember that all information and dates within them may not be correct, but that does not mean there is not AMAZING information within them; that you can use and take with you on your journey!

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