Sunday, February 23, 2014

Tolec Update - February 22, 2014

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Important News Story

February 22, 2014

Back on May 6, 2012 - Joe Marra of "A Guiding Lite" & I discussed the failing banking system. Today, I fully expect a complete reset of the global financial system... is 'right around the corner'.

For many years the United States of America - was - the world's richest nation. No longer. Now, it is the world's largest debtor nation in the amount of trillions of dollars. An authorization to "...raise the debt ceiling" - will fix nothing.

For years, the United States Dollar [USD] has been the international reserve currency against which all other currencies of the world were based. All international oil buying/selling transactions were done in USD. No longer.

The country of China for years was buying massive amounts of U.S Treasury [debt] paper. Today it is selling off much of its holdings in U.S Treasuries. Billions worth. It also holds, and continues to buy, a substantially growing amount of gold [a precious metal] against which currencies used to be based.

And, there has been massive, global international bank fraud for years. [This information has made it to the mainstream media.] And right now - people in key strategic international banking positions are dying because of what they know.

This is all part of the overall process of massive change this planet is about to experience.

I believe this breaking news story is worthy of your interest - if you are seriously interested in what is going on with global banking today... and what is about to happen to the USD, and as a result, the U.S economy. Massive changes are coming.

The things these men discuss absolutely have relevance & will have a direct impact on your lives as the lid blows off of this issue & things finally come to a 'head':