Friday, March 7, 2014

New report on the Benghazi attack by OPSEC

Special Ops OPSEC

It's official: In a new detailed report on the Benghazi attack, OPSEC reveals that Hillary Clinton bears major responsibility for the catastrophic failure that resulted in the death of Ambassador Chris Stevens and other American personnel. We've uncovered Hillary Clinton's full involvement in Benghazi and this report is nothing short of incriminating for Hillary Clinton. You can download a copy of OPSEC's new report, Breach of Duty: Hillary Clinton and Catastrophic Failure In Benghazi, for free!

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Reuters News Agency Has Also Reported On This Intel From OPSEC

At the same time, more personal accusations have been laid against Clinton by OPSEC (military slang for "operational security"), a group of former special forces and intelligence operatives that first surfaced during the 2012 presidential campaign.

"If Hillary Clinton wants to run for president she's not going to be able to continue hiding from the fact that she did nothing to help prevent the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi," said Scott Taylor, president of OPSEC, which this week is publishing a report highly critical of her actions during the Libya event.

The group charges Clinton with failing to ask the Pentagon and spy agencies to help U.S. personnel besieged in Benghazi and with not discussing the attack with President Barack Obama until more than six hours after it started. They also say she was not candid in her own accounts of what happened. (Reuters)

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