Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Transformation Is Coming Blog : TAKE A LOAD OFF


Sometimes we can get so caught up in our own lives and things going on that we forget to think of others in those moments. Like recently I had over reacted to a situation without even thinking to clearly on it. It was out of anger and current frustrations and things I don’t really want to be dealing with in my normal everyday life. I had to take a time out and put myself in the corner. I wasn’t very nice, but at least humiliation is something you can most definitely learn from. I apologize to those involved and had to get myself back to my happy place. Although it didn’t quite work out as people were hurt in the end because of my actions. We regret things everyday in our lives, but they are all there for lessons to be learned in the long run.

Stressful things can only be stressful if we allow them to. Sometimes what we make of a situation can have a completely different outcome if we take the time to sit back and think before reacting. It’s interesting because I have a special needs child who rarely thinks before acting and does things that most people would find inappropriate. She doesn’t really have the ability to sit back and find her center, as she has never met her center. Her mind is over active and it’s hard for her to calm down to find that center, so when looking at things sometimes we often overlook the fact that we can do this; while being grateful that we have this ability in the first place. Sometimes the small things are the most important in life.

So if you are sitting around following information and getting frustrated no matter what your situation is. It’s more than important to take that time to decompress. When you feel like your temperature gauge is getting to high, it’s time to save face before you work yourself up into a frenzy and do anything you may regret! Take a walk, play games with the kids, have a picnic, visit your grandchildren, do something creative, mediate, be in nature, or whatever floats your boat and toots your horn. Walk away from those things that have you all uptight and in a knot. Even if it’s just for 10 minutes!

When we take the time to do this we are being the Conscious Objective Observer of our own experience. We are watching ourselves from the outside in, instead of just from the inside out. We create our reality around us by that which we project. So when you’re feeling upset, frustrated, down, angry, or just plain tired of things, that is your doorbell letting you know it’s time to find your happy place again. It’s time to find those things that relieve that stress and frustration in your lives so you can have a peaceful day without losing yourself in the process.

Usually my articles are long but today I am keeping this one short. I will leave you with some visuals and ideas that can help decompress. Whatever you choose to decompress and bring yourself back to center, make sure it’s those things that bring you BLISS! Thank you "C" for reminding me of BLISS!

Click on all the  photos below to enjoy some ideas!

Take a bubble bath

Go to the salon

Play in the yard and plant a garden

Build something

Create something

Be in nature

Listen to your favorite music

Listen to your favorite messages that uplift you

Buy something that uplifts your mind body and spirit

And anything else you can think of for YOU!

The most important relationship you could ever have, is a relationship with "YOU"!

