Monday, June 23, 2014

Alien Agenda IV: Alien Ultimatum or Final Warning ?

by Preston James

aliens-nordicHas a Final Warning been delivered by a benevolent Alien ET group that the Super-elite Oligarchs running Planet Earth must quickly clean house or suffer a Final Judgment/Cosmic Reset?

Several top inside sources, including Veterans Today Senior Editor Gordon Duff have claimed that a very serious message was delivered to Super-elite Oligarchs on behalf of a certain Alien ET group.

As the reports go, a somber military style briefing was delivered during a recent meeting of a certain top group of Super-elite Oligarchs, not the CFR or Trilats, but perhaps a group something  like the Pilgrim Society.

It could be expected to be exceedingly difficult to get accurate information about such a sensitive meeting and what goes on behind closed doors with high security in place but Gordon Duff has provided confirmation that this briefing did occur.

Indications suggest that the briefer, allegedly a very high ranking official in the UN, communicated a very somber message to this group of Super-elite Oligarchs on behalf of this certain group of Alien ETs. 

The actual description of the details of the message that was delivered by this briefer has not yet been disclosed. It appears the basic idea was that unless these Super-elites cleaned up the massive corruption and evil in the world, a very powerful Cosmic Entity was going to deliver a massive worldwide Final Judgement, perhaps best described as a Complete Cosmic Reset for Planet earth.
This briefer may have told this group of super-elite Oligarchs that this particular Alien ET groups wanted these Super-elites to understand unequivocally that unless they abated the high levels of corruption they have perhaps allowed and/or produced, 90% in the room would not be there in two years.

It is unknown at this time if this certain Alien ET group that insisted that this message be delivered to Super-elites will be the ones delivering this judgment or not.  However, based on what we do know, it is unlikely that they would be the ones. It is likely that the Military Briefer was delivering this warning about another Alien ET group that is very old, has an evil history operating as a major Earth Parasite. mass-murderer of humans.  this is the same Alien ET entity which has been the origin of most evil in the world and will continue to do so unless human consent is withdrawn at every level.
Note: This article is written for well informed active Military, Veterans, Intel or retired Intel, USG Policy Makers, and Members of Congress. If you do not have some knowledge of Secret Space War issues, reading this article is probably a waste of your valuable time.
What particular Entity would be delivering a Final Judgment or “Cosmic Reset” to Planet Earth?

I cannot provide you with information as to what the means of Judgment to be delivered to the world would be or what the actual reasons will be. We can only make an educated guess at that.  Perhaps it will be a provoked Civil War, or induced urban rioting and the burning of large urban areas. or the inducement of a major worldwide nuclear WW3. Or perhaps and induced major worldwide economic crash.

Or perhaps a direct geophysical attack on planet earth using advanced Cosmic Space War weapons systems or major induced worldwide weather or environmental disasters. Or perhaps and induced large meteor strike. Or perhaps a direct invasion by an evil, parasitical, cannibalistic Alien ET group known as the Dracos, the reptilian “Order of the Snake”. Perhaps this Judgment will be a massive worldwide flood, a world wide massive alien attack using super weapons unknown to most, such as a powerful worldwide EMP or some other static generating interference or force-filed that would stop all electronics cold. Perhaps a climate catastrophe or numerous, repetitive disasters. Perhaps the sudden spontaneous detonation of all nuclear material.

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