by Jon Rappoport
September 23, 2014
In “WHO: 21,000 Ebola cases by November if no changes” (AP/USA Today), 9/22, there is this:
“CDC scientists…also predict that the two countries [Sierra Leone
and Liberia] could have a staggering 550,000 to 1.4 million [Ebola]
cases by late January.”
CDC employees don’t know they’re alive unless they’re lying.
And many of those lies are launched in order to promote vaccines. Shiny new Ebola vaccine, anyone?
The CDC made up one of these astonishing lies in the fall of 2009. Swine Flu, a dud of an epidemic, was the topic then.
Sharyl Attkisson, at CBS News, had just torn the CDC to pieces with her investigation, which uncovered the fact that the CDC had stopped counting cases of Swine Flu.
The real reason? The overwhelming number of blood samples from likely
Swine Flu patients showed no sign of Swine Flu or any flu.
The hoax of an epidemic had been revealed.
So what did the CDC do? They doubled down. They told a galactic lie.