In the latest PROOF that there is really no difference between the Democrat and Republican pawns of the Cabal, a Senate Committee has finally released their report, completed months ago, saying there was no ‘Stand Down’ order in the Benghazi debacle. Three marines, on site at the time, have testified on national television, in prime time, that they personally received the Stand Down orders not once but twice. Just long enough for our Ambassador to be tortured in ways you can hardly imagine. This, after he begged and begged for more security which Hillary refused on three or four separate occasions. This was the night of the anniversary of 9-11.
Do you remember our reports about where Obama was as this horrible incident went down? He was in the residence with ’Do Not Disturb Under Any Circumstances’ orders handed out all around. Who ya gonna believe, the marines on site or those Senators who constantly lie to the American people? What’s more, in the ‘footnotes’ to the report the committee acknowledges something WE reported to you two years ago, Benghazi was a way station for arms moving from Libya and Turkey to the rebels in Syria who now call themselves ISIS. Washington D.C. is a sewer.
40% of the American people are so uninformed they don’t understand or care. They vote. They offset your informed vote. This week Chuck Hagel, Obama’s third Defense Secretary in six years, is forced to resign. He made the deadly error of telling Obama and Susan Rice and Valerie Jarret their foreign policy is a total failure and further disarming our military is a terrible mistake. So, like the 200 military officers whose resignations Obama demanded under threat of losing their pensions. Hagel now learns that only ‘ yes men’ survive. As this “Greatest Enemy America Has Ever Known” arranges his preplanned mass migration from South America on the one hand, he is simultaneously disarming our military at a time of utmost concern (ISIS, Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.).. Is he stupid? Or insane? Or simply a puppet of those Satanist/NWO freaks who are determined to destroy America to clear the path for their New World Order. As far back as the 1970’s CFR/NWO publications referred to the need to ‘bring America down’ as it would not be possible to bring other countries up to our standards and ‘all must be equal’ don’t you see.
Borders, Language, Culture, friends, are the things that define a country as a country.
Obama is intentionally destroying all three while disarming our military at the same time.
Remember today's proof positive friends, Republicans are just as bought and blackmailed, just as owned outright by the Dark Side as the Democrats are. They do not work for America, they work for their Satanic handlers just as Obama does.
Why do you think the Republicans have not informed the people of Obama’s Certified Birth Certificate from Kenya which was delivered to the Supreme Court and the World Court.
Why do you think the lady who prepared Obama’s fraudulent Birth Certificate and posted it on the Internet has been suppressed/oppressed after admitting publicly what she had done, and never mind his fraudulent Social Security Number. Who do these traitors work for. ‘All for one, one for all’. If the ship goes down we all go with it. ‘We are all in this together’. They work for The Corporation, for the Status Quo and they do as ordered.
Watching Obama stand before America telling lie after lie as I did the night of his immigration speech is enough to make any informed American upchuck on the living room floor. Among other boldfaced lies he said 'criminals will be deported'.
It was only a few months ago when he ordered 2000 illegals already incarcerated to be immediately released onto the streets of America. Most were criminals including many murderers, rapist and MS-13 gang members. Do you think he is now going to undo what he has already done? The numbers of thinking taxpayers, informed voters, are not growing fast enough to stop him. His takeover/intentional destruction of America rolls along at ever greater pace in spite of the mid-term elections, perhaps because he knows the Republicans answer to the same handlers he answers to. The inside word on Boehner and McConnell is that neither have the guts, the morality or loyalty to the people to handle the Obama Tour de Force. Therefore friends, in this writers opinion, the next two years will be among the most dangerous in American history. His brain has apparently been inserted upside down and backwards. After stating ‘my policies are on the ballot’, he now says the election was not about him. His lack of common sense in a dozen different areas is flashing red like a neon sign. It is all about him. He must control the stage no matter what. Narcissism, arrogance, incompetence, supreme stupidity for all to see unless they are willingly blind which describes vast numbers of Americans.
Have you seen the morning papers?
More than 3400 new regulations on businesses and individuals coming out of the White House now. Liberalism, Communism, total control, Obama, all the same thing. Their goal is to regulate which side of your bread you may butter. And, at what time of day. Next comes their attempt to “CONTROL” Internet content. Nameless, faceless, Democrat Liberal Bureaucrats determined to regulate the amount of toilet paper you use. How to justify their taxpayer funded salaries and pensions? Pass more regulations today, tomorrow, next week. Another increment of freedom lost with each. “I did 35 new regulations this week Boss, I have earned a raise”.
Ferguson? Jesus said ‘it will be ‘brother against brother’. Cayce said, ‘race riots, class warfare, and civil war’. Joseph Smith, the most descriptive of all said, ‘all manner of horrors, the Constitution will hang by a silk thread. The people will be subjected to the most vile, despicable acts and evil things’. The teaching of ‘Victim ology’ by generations of Democrat Politicians is coming home to roost. Paying the uninformed for their votes is coming home to roost. The Gimme Gimmme Gimmmme Right Now mindset of so many was intentionally taught by the Democrats for the purpose of Government Dependence and getting reelected.
The resulting psychosis is being reinforced, not changed. Our schools and our children are being ‘dumbed down’ intentionally. Sex Ed for fifth graders two years ago, now they are pushing for Sex Ed in kindergarten. U.N. Agenda 21 to make all things even worse. Educating the 40% appears impossible, not allowed, wouldn’t be prudent, must remain in your failed schools, no transfers or Charter Schools allowed. Quid pro quo with teachers, unions, Government employees.
So now Ferguson goes the way of Watts, and Detroit, the all-time example of Democrat Goofiness. There is a large percentage of blacks in our country and in Ferguson who do not give a damn about Michael Brown. Neither do they give a damn about truth or justice, only rioting and thieving and being thugs is what they care about and any old excuse will do. Their lack of character and morality is on display all over the country every day, our prisons are over flowing with them. In Philadelphia high schools the black ‘students’ are beating the teachers regularly. No accountability. The School Districts are unable to fire a teacher for any reason, much like government employees. Teachers who are so bad they cannot read at a tenth grade level are sent to a special room set up for them where they look at magazines all day while receiving full pay for years. No accountability anywhere. Union Contracts. And who are the biggest supporters of the Democrats who demand these unbelievable contracts? The Unions of course. Lack of accountability is the rule from the top down (oval office). As it has filtered down there is no accountability anywhere which has led to our completely dysfunctional government which has led to our dysfunctional society.
If you were one those who hunted down children in the forest on military land outside D.C., as previously reported, and raped them, would you be subject to blackmail? Perhaps you noticed the postings in recent months of the same activities in Europe with ‘Royals’ participating. Yesterday there was a report that 40% of American Politicians are pedophiles. Today there is a post saying pedophilia has become a matter of national security in Europe, therefore they are PROTECTING the pedophiles.
These things will continue until such time as the ‘average’ American refuses willful blindness, becomes aware of the utterly despicable character of The Corporation/Fed Partnership and determines that something must be done to save our Nation/Republic. Every delay in funding’s demonstrates the Cabal/Corporation is still in control. There is a ‘force’ greater than Governments running this Rocky Horror Picture Show. That force has been EVIL as far back as any of us have experienced. The people being ‘right’ has not been enough. ‘They’ own the Courts, the Banks, the Int’l. Financial Institutions. They rewrote our Constitution and changed it to their liking (13th and 16th Amendments). Is it any wonder they also declared we the people to be ‘enemies of the state’, and did so in writing. We must accept responsibility for putting these criminals and perverts in office. We chose them to be our leaders but now they do the bidding of those blackmailing them .If we had not elected criminals and pedophiles they would be working for us.
The Nesara Site continues to be the only source offering occasional news about the recapture of our Republic from the Cabal/Corporation. Long time readers know WE have been writing about this hoped for outcome for more than 20 years explaining that, in our opinion, this is the only possible method for overcoming the dark side in America. Taking back our constitutionally guaranteed right and using our ability to create our own sovereign currency is the one thing that stops the Cabal dead in its tracks. Instead of paying the Cabal $500.Billion annually (interest payments) as we are now doing, interest paid on money they created from thin air, we will be able to use those funds to rebuild a vampire/pedophilia free nation, not to mention wiping out thousands of unconstitutional laws visited upon us. And a new set of ‘politicians’, loyal to the people not to the Cabal. WE have tried to confirm MacHaffies reporting but are unable to do so.
Obviously Air Force One is not sitting on the tarmac in Hawaii and General Hamm is not sitting in the Oval Office unless he is sitting in Obama’s lap. Nevertheless, as we have written for years and as MacHaffie is now reporting, this is the one true legitimate hope for overthrowing the insanity currently being represented by Obama, the one true hope for a return to our original organic Constitution, the one true hope for returning to the form of Government given us by our founders, a Constitutional Republic. Democracy is ‘Communism Lite’. Two bears and a lamb voting ‘what’s for lunch’. Property rights are not protected. Check your Deed of Trust, you are a tenant in your own home. The 40% will likely grow due to the radical liberals taking over the schools-and colleges- and the curriculum's. The Satanist control the Corporation. The Corporation controls the schools, ergo the Satanist control the schools. We have now passed through the interim form of Government known as Democracy, itself having replaced our Constitutional Republic form of Government. We are now into advanced Socialism with one foot and Obama’s heart already enmeshed in the cement of Communism. For six long years WE have been writing about it. The man is a full blown Marxist and it is so bloody obvious we had no trouble recognizing it early on. Have you ever heard of another President having one CZAR--- much less forty something? The American people must accept RESPONSIBILITY for what has become of our country. It is our neglect and apathy and lack of responsibility which has allowed Obama and his CZARS to purge our military, exceed his authority regularly, destroy the world’s greatest health care system, destroy our relations with many foreign allies which are no longer allies, arm and train those now known as ISIS, throw open our borders, bring in 50,000 illegally and amnesty 11 to 20 million more in order to cause a mass migration from South America and further destroy our nation and its laws, release several of the worst terrorist in the world with another group being released now and send them home to kill still more Americans, arm Mexican Drug Cartels using taxpayers money to do so, attempt to dictate Internet content, go after political opponents using the IRS to do so, militarize police even delivering 2700 AM RAPS to them, arm the Muslim Brotherhood and its sub-set Al Qaida thereby costing us our longtime ally Egypt, over throw the elected Government of Ukraine replacing it with their puppet (formerly at the World Bank), buy up virtually all ‘survival food’ supplies, distributing hundreds of thousands of 4 man plastic coffins all around the country, providing many many Government Agencies, even innocuous ones like Social Security, with vast vast quantities of ammunition, lying repeatedly and consistently right into the face of the American people, spending and wasting incredible amounts of money (remember Solyndra) in keeping with his program of destroying America from within by ‘spending it into oblivion’, providing his campaign fund raising friends with billions of taxpayer funds (600M to Solyndra alone) after which they declare bankruptcy making off with vast amounts of taxpayer dollars, running trillion dollar annual deficits thereby placing the people, their children and grandchildren into crushing debt for generations to come as dictated by the Cabal, blocking for years any and all of ‘the funding’s’ which would have brought relief to the people, golfing and vacationing to such an extent that he believes himself to be a King and all money belongs to him personally, spending $10,000. of taxpayer funds for every $1.00 raised for Democrats-hundreds of millions spent-, and all the while defending all things Muslim while saying ‘the U.S. Is no longer a Christian Nation’ and “If Push Comes To Shove I Will Stand With The Muslims”. And how could we ever forget poor granny Obama who was ripped from her family in Kenya and stashed in Hawaii never to be heard from again until she died, likely from a broken heart ,who made the mistake of telling Al Jazeera in an interview that she was present at the hospital in Mombasa when Obama was born there. What kind of evil soulless man would do that to his own grandmother. This is the man whose three known homosexual lovers have all been whacked (killed for you politically correct liberals), the same man who was well known in the ‘Chicago Bathhouse Community’ where he was a regular with his constant side kick Rahm Emanuel, now mayor of Chicago. How stupid are we America? Perhaps it is we who should be institutionalized. Why has no one disclosed that his education was paid for by Saudi Arabia? What ‘power’ does he represent that he is able to get away with so much criminal activity, so much treason, and keep so many facts suppressed? And yet, 40% of us and a very large part of Ferguson still believe in this best ever super-duper CON ARTIST.
Johns Nesara site recently reported Obama has signed off on our return to being a Republic. I do not believe that but if it did happen it would be because someone or something is holding a very big gun to his head.
The alternative to Nesara is the NWO. Our monetary system handed over from the Fed, now overflowing with toxic debt and T-Bonds (4 Trillion) taken from the bank’s balance sheets, to the IMF division of the U.N. for the purpose of kicking the fraud up to a higher level. SDR’s. More fiat bullshit, same players in charge. Japan, Europe and China have each recently announced massive additional injections of ‘thin air money’ into their economies, this after the U.S. supposedly ended their $100. Billion per month (not 80B as advertised) Q.E. of the last several years . It has not ended, just handled differently. This peripheral public information implies a continuation of the Status Quo. Historically speaking Governments always chose to inflate, inflate and re-inflate as the alternative is a deflationary depression. Highly visible ‘real world’ information does not indicate asset backed currencies any time soon. That would mean FRN funding of Dinar exchanges if any such exchanges were ever to take place. As discussed in our last update Nov. 11, there are no funds in the Fed Res System sufficient to handle program funding’s or exchanges. Moreover, exchanging enormous quantities of outstanding Dinar at $3.00 each would render the Dollar virtually worthless in our opinion, if not immediately then soon after. So which is more likely do you think, our sources statements from two years ago saying it is a Government Sponsored Fraud to lay off worthless Dinar held by UST onto the public OR they will actually do the exchange and when coupled with all the Q.E. going on worldwide will collapse the dollar leaving Dinarians with a handful of U.S. denominated toilet paper OR the Gurus are right, we will get a new banking system, currently invisible, be paid in metals backed TRN’s which implies we get our country back, our constitution back, our monetary system back and MacHaffies Intel, no matter how nebulous, turns out to be true. WHATDAYATHINK?
As mentioned in our 11/11 update all visible Intel, including additional delays in exchanging Dinar, indicate the Cabal is still in control, blocking the R.V. and doing the dictating. Gurus are being ‘spoon fed’ and those doing the feeding are enemies of the people.
Happy Holidays to every single one of you. Think about those around the world who are truly poor, hungry every day. Think about the oppression and tyranny so many live with every day not knowing if today their head will be chopped off. We are not nearly as bad off as we sometimes think we are. No matter how our living standards were purchased over the years we the people have been the beneficiaries. Daily we throw rocks at the criminals and their fraudulent, fiat, unconstitutional Ponzi Monetary system, yet it was that system which gave us such an unearned advantage over the other peoples of the world.
Casper 11-28-14
p.s. The Dollar up up and away. Metals, commodities, oil, down down down. This is a bizarre situation, difficult to understand based on visible evidence. Simply saying it is ‘the least ugly’ does not seem reasonable. It appears to me to be massive manipulation. The issue is not so much how but why? What does it mean? If there was to be a revaluation of currencies based largely on a country’s assets, no country has greater natural resources than does the U.S. (maybe Russia). It is possible the U.S. Dollar is being revalued right in front of our eyes except that it is not a U.S. Dollar. It is a Fed Res ‘World Currency/Dollar’ and its value is determined by a basket of currencies. This could possibly be preparation for something good happening. The changes in values of commodities on such a grand scale in such a short period of time is a big flag, just not sure what color the flag is.