Udall said the CIA paid contractors to read every one of the 6m-plus documents multiple times before Senate staff could look. That and site requirements ran up expenses into the tens of millions:
Feinstein: CIA's demands that contractors review all docs and Senate staff work at offsite are why torture report cost $40M.
Guardian national security editor Spencer Ackerman (@attackerman) has filed a news story describing the bombshells in Senator Mark Udall’s speech accusing the CIA of lying and calling for the resignation of director John Brennan today:
“A recently defeated senator described portions of a still-classified
CIA overview of torture on the Senate floor as a “smoking gun,”
accusing the CIA and the White House of lying about brutal CIA interrogations and continuing to cover them up. [...]
Senator Mark Udall called upon Barack Obama “to purge his administration of high-level officials” complicit in the Bush-era torture program.
That purge, he said, should include CIA director John Brennan, a
confidant of Obama whom Udall said the president had declined to rein in
during a long clash with the Senate intelligence committee. Udall first
called on Brennan to resign in August,
after Brennan conceded that agency officials had inappropriately
accessed emails and work product of Senate torture investigators on a
shared network.
With a tone at points mournful and angry, Udall, who lost his
re-election last month, said “the CIA has lied to its overseers and the
public,” and blasted the White House for not holding anyone “to
“Director Brennan and the CIA today are continuing to willfully
provide inaccurate information and misrepresent the efficacy of torture.
In other words, the CIA is lying,” Udall said in what may be his final
major Washington address.