Thursday, April 2, 2015

Jade Helm - Two Sides of The Story

Published on Apr 1, 2015

Could it be that our National Guard and Militia are training with Special Forces in order to work with local law enforcement to win our freedom this summer? We'll see.


'Jade Helm Exercise' We'll Soon Find Out

The conditional parameters surrounding the upcoming 'Jade Helm Exercise' scheduled to take place over the summer months in California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado and Texas are such:

To a rational mind, instituting Marshall Law and full blown military dictatorship in America under the guise of a 'drill' is irrational, unnecessary and uncalled for insanity.

To a rational mind, this action is creating a crisis where there isn't one, and the Jade Helm exercise is nothing more than a DIRECT ATTACK on the usa, which no 'drill label' can cover up, no matter how the talking heads frame it.

Unfortunately, we are not dealing with rational minds. We are dealing with predators who are flipping crazy. We are dealing with individuals who are sick in the brain. Yes. Bonkers. Insane. Not Dealing with a full deck - maniacs.

However unattractive and ugly this scenario of ignorance may be - those are the harsh realities.

We are dealing with the same Kabbal who planned and executed 9-11, Sandy Hook, the Boston Marathon FALSE FLAG EVENT, and every bit of FALSE FLAG international chaos before and since, including but not limited to the devastation in the Mid - East; from Iraq, to Libya, to Syria, to Yemen, and Ukraine.

This same group of psychopaths designed and implemented the Police State of Amerika.

These freaks salivate over CONSTANT WAR and NEVER ENDING CHAOS.

Their method for creating war, INFILTRATING A SOCIETY, while amplifying their POWER BASE, is creating FALSE FLAG CHAOS, and then anointing themselves as the rightful SOLUTION TO THE CHAOS THEY CREATED.

For example, Ferguson, Illinois ITSELF was a STAGED, FALSE FLAG EVENT, with pockets of race war cheerleaders; poised, paid, organized and ready to PROMOTE chaos - in every major city in Amerika - MONTHS in ADVANCE of the Ferguson kick-off event.

America did not take the bait, but instead gave Jesuit pawns Eric Holder, Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, Barack Obama and other race war baiting agents provocateurs the heave ho, in exchange for a more rational line of behavior.

The predators I'm speaking directly of, are NEO-CON members of the 'Project For A New American Century'(PNAC), Benjamin Netanyahu, the Mossad, the House of Saud, the dual-Israeli citizen NEO-CON WAR MONGERING FOOLS in Congress, the Pentagon, Dept of Homeland Security, TSA, and the NSA.

All these CHAOS ADDICTED FACTIONS operate under the BIG UMBRELLA of the Skull and Bones Jesuits, which is the predatory military faction of the Vatican.

Don't believe these societal gems are diabolically evil and insane nutcases?

Take a gander at the Jesuit Oath, as recorded in the Library of Congress, U.S., Inc.

This oath is sworn at the ceremony induction of an individual into the Jesuit Society, and the words represent the oath of an assassin to their master - in this case, the General of the Jesuits - or the Black Pope.