Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Leo Zagami (Former Illuminati Member) Discuss Scandals in the Vatican - April 2015

Published on Apr 20, 2015
Leo Lyon Zagami reveals the possible reasons for the choice of historical abdication of Benedict XVI and traces the process that led to the election of Cardinal Bergoglio: the Pope who many have prophesized will be the last and will bring the Catholic Church to its end.

He will also explore the recent scandals in the Catholic Church and addresses questions including What pressures decreed the end of the pontificate of Benedict XVI? What powers have an interest for the Church to end? and What is the relationship between the Vatican and the New World Order?

Each week on Just Energy Radio, Dr. Rita is joined by experts from the fields of astrology, alternative health, ancient mysteries, cryptozoology, ghost hunting, metaphysics and spirituality, paranormal phenomena, quantum physics, UFO's and alien abduction and more...