Monday, June 1, 2015

Anonymous Intel on The Global Currency Reset for May 31, 2015

Anonymous Intel for May 31
 This coming Monday, June 1, the global banking system is to conduct and carry out its internal tests on banking screens, before live transactions will be activated.

It is fully expected that this will be a routine matter at this point, as the necessary programming and preparations were already in place for this transition, and previous test runs have been successful.

It should be remembered that this process will involve all major banks, and also the Forex system.

It is then expected that additional announcements will be made over the weekend and early next week. Please be aware that these announcements will be very sensitively-made, due to the major underlying changes represented, as the world adjusts to these new directions.

We have been informed by our reliable Chinese sources, with also confirmations with their authorized top bankers, that the redemption payments are expected to commence this coming Tuesday, June 2, if all technical matters proceed smoothly as anticipated.