Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Lord Janner faces historical sex abuse prosecution

 Lord Janner

Lord Janner will be prosecuted over claims of historical child sexual abuse after a review overturned a decision by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). Prosecutors announced in April that the 86-year-old peer would not be charged because of his severe form of dementia.

An independent QC has now recommended that the decision should be overruled.

Lord Janner, who was MP for Leicester West for 27 years, denies any wrongdoing and his family says he "is entirely innocent".

He will face criminal proceedings relating to 22 allegations of historical sexual abuse against nine children during the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s.

The case has been first listed for Westminster Magistrates' Court on 7 August.

It was reviewed under the CPS Victims' Right to Review Scheme, which allows people to have their case looked at again regardless of who took the decision at the CPS not to prosecute.

David Perry QC concluded that it was in the public interest to bring proceedings before a criminal court.

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