Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Sex-Cult Coverup - A Hampstead Expose by Chris Everard

By: Chis Everard
July 7, 2015

British author CHRIS EVERARD investigates the biggest COVER-UP in the British Establishment – it includes senior SOCIAL WORKER organisations, the Police, the Crown Prosecution Service and the House of Lords:  The cover-up centres around Lord Janner is one of the most influential jewish aristocrats in the Houses of Parliament.  Problem is, he is also alleged to be one if the most prolific child rapists in the Houses of Parliament.  Lord Janner is a barrister, and it is now revealed that he actually was the BOSS of ALISON SAUNDERS – the woman who is the chief of the Crown Prosecution service, and she has protected Lord Janner from prosecution for sex crimes against children for many years.  
On JULY 23rd 2015 – at 9.30AM – at the ROYAL COURTS in the Strand, London – we shall see a Hearing in which the mother of two Hampstead children will attempt to regain custody – her children gave immense amounts of detailed evidence to the police which alleged that police officers, teachers, judges, solicitors and social workers were members of a pedo-ring-sex-cult.  
There is no doubt that the Hampstead whistleblower children have had many of the most important elements of their testimonies corroborated – in this article, we show that the Social Worker industry, the Lords, the Police and Crown Prosecution Service have been infiltrated by sex criminals who target children – and that a show of PUBLIC SUPPORT on
JULY 23rd 2015 – at 9.30AM – at the ROYAL COURTS in the Strand, London may indeed teach the Establishment that they can no longer work as a cartel, protecting the interests of multi-millionaire sex perverts, satanists and members of the House of Lords.  

Chris Everard proves in this article that the JUDGEMENT by High Court Judge Mrs Justice Pauffley and ratified by Sir James Munby, the President of the Family Courts, MUST BE RETRACTED and that the two children at the centre of the Hampstead sex cult allegations must be immediately returned to their mother, in the light of corroborated evidence coming to public knowledge which proves that the major portion of allegations made by the children are indeed CORRECT and provably so.

We start by corroborating the Hampstead children’s’ testimony that there is a grand conspiracy which includes the ‘police, judges, social workers, CAFCAS’ and the actual legal system.  Case in point here is that the children’s’ local neighbour, a fellow resident of Hampstead, Lord Janner has a list of enforced sodomy charges hanging over his head.  According to official charges drawn up by the British police, Janner seems to have been forcing young boys to have sex with him for several decades.  These rapes, one must presume, were in some way linked to Janner’s home, round the corner of the Hampstead whistleblower kids.  Lord Janner is listed in the ‘top 100 most influential British Jews’ and a was made a Lord by TONY BLAIR.  He is one of the top most influential people to live in Hampstead.  Lord Janner is allegedly not just a pedo-Lord and best friends with the Labour Party – Lord Janner is accused of being a CHILD RAPIST and has left a trail of victims behind him who have provided testimonies and evidence to police for the last THIRTY YEARS – but in every instance, the police have failed to prosecute.  How has he been protected?  It is now revealed that there is ample evidence to call for the RESIGNATION of the director of the Crown Prosecution Service.  Just as the Hampstead whistleblower children alleged – there does indeed seem to be a ring of influential people protecting each other from prosecution.

LORD JANNER is linked to a pedo-ring at a Hampstead School which is exposed in a book called SELF ABUSE, written by a former pupil, Jonathan Self.  
LORD JANNER is linked to a pedo-ring at a Hampstead School which is exposed in a book called SELF ABUSE, written by a former pupil, Jonathan Self.
Janner’s former employee is now the boss of the Crown Prosecution Service.  She claims that Lord Janner has DEMENTIA and is unable to stand trial.  This decision caused a backlash and a u-turn in Cameron’s government during June 2015 – but we can now also confirm that ALISON SAUNDERS failed to declare a potential CONFLICT OF INTEREST in the Janner decision.

In another element which corroborates the testimony of Ella Draper’s children and given on video to Barnet Police, we now know that Lord Janner’s son attended a local Hampstead school which has been outed as the home of a PEDO-RING of teachers.  It is the SECOND HAMPSTEAD SCHOOL to have been exposed as having a pedo-ring operating on it’s premises – and the evidence is provided by Jonathan Self, a well known British author in his book SELF ABUSE.  Ella Draper’s children clearly told Barnet Police that ‘other schools’ in Hampstead were involved with pedophelia – and we now have the proof.

Lord Janner became a member of parliament - partly owing to the fact that he used an army of children from the UCS School in Hampstead to deliver leaflets promoting his political campaign - victims allege that Janner forcibly raped them when they were schoolchildren The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Robert Runcie talks with a jewish boy when he arrived for the luncheon, behind the Archbishop is Mr Greville JAnner MP, President of hte Board of Deputies and lay leader of the British Jewish community.
Lord Janner became a member of parliament – partly owing to the fact that he used an army of children from the UCS School in Hampstead to deliver leaflets promoting his political campaign – victims allege that Janner forcibly raped them when they were schoolchildren.

Ms Saunders began her career as an employee/colleague of Lord Janner at 1 Garden Court chambers in 1983, when Lord Janner was already a leading QC with an office at the same address.  This means that ALISON SAUNDERS has misled Parliament and the Public – because she failed to declare a CONFLICT OF INTEREST on the Janner case.

Lord Janner remained a senior barrister at Garden Court until 1986, which is the same year that Ms Saunders joined the Crown Prosecution Service [CPS].

Ms Saunders said a few days ago: “I’m not part of the establishment. It’s certainly not a cover-up.”  Well, that is not what the court of Public Opinion is saying. Campaigners and victims of alleged abuse have called on her to resign, saying the new revelations about the pair working at the same chambers make her position “untenable”.

Hampstead Whistleblower kids - In September 2014, two Hampstead schoolchildren claimed they were abused by a per-sex-cult who performed rituals of cannibalism and sodomy.  They claimed that "other schools in Hampstead" were also involved in "sex with children" - since that case was white-washed, it has been confirmed by the testimony of Jonathan Self that yes, indeed, another school round the corner was the venue where a pedo-ring operated.  This is the same school which educated Lord Janner's son and provided Janner with volunteers for his political campaign.
Hampstead Whistleblower kids – In September 2014, two Hampstead schoolchildren claimed they were abused by a per-sex-cult who performed rituals of cannibalism and sodomy. They claimed that “other schools in Hampstead” were also involved in “sex with children” – since that case was white-washed, it has been confirmed by the testimony of Jonathan Self that yes, indeed, another school round the corner was the venue where a pedo-ring operated. This is the same school which educated Lord Janner’s son and provided Janner with volunteers for his political campaign.
Pete Saunders, a director of the National Association for People Abused in Childhood, said: “On the evidence how can we not conclude that they might be covering for each other. It is scandalous and an insult to all the survivors who spent decades fighting to get themselves heard.”

Mr Richard Henriques QC (Kevin Fitzpatrick)
In what is being seen by some as a further example of Establishment ‘cover-up’ Sir Richard Henriques, the retired judge who is reviewing the errors which prevented Lord Janner from being brought to trial in the past, is understood to have regarded the late George Carman QC, from whom the peer sought advice when he was first investigated for sex crimes in 1991, as a friend and mentor at the Bar.  Mr Carman also represented Jimmy Savile when he threatened to sue newspapers if they wrote about child abuse claims being levelled against him.
The Daily Telegraph has exposed several other worrying questions and facts:

* Police were told more than 20 years ago that Lord Janner took a vulnerable boy to Labour Party offices and Parliament before molesting him at his Leicester home
* A children’s home manager told her employers that she feared Lord Janner was having sex with the teenager, but that her concerns were ‘swept under the carpet’

It is now very obvious that Westminster has been infiltrated by a team of pedo-parliamentarians and professional in Social Work and the Legal industry.  Sir Leon Brittan conveniently ‘lost’ hundreds of documents detailing child rape by members of parliament and senior officials that were collected by former MP Geoffrey Dickens.

The Crown Prosecution Service announced in April 2015 that it would not charge the 86-year-old but the following month it said it would review the controversial decision.  An independent QC was reported to have now recommended that the decision by Alison Saunders, the Director of Public Prosecutions, should be overruled.

It seems that a high level pedo-ring has been operating which encompasses both legislators, parliamentarians and senior figures who have designed the SOCIAL WORKER industry of Britain.  One of the leading Social Workers was a pedo-friend of the Deputy Director of MI6 – and it is now clear that a self-reinforcing pedo-ring spread its tentacles throughout the British establishment – and this is very obviously illustrated by the Crown Prosecution Service protection offered to Lord Janner…

It is now obvious that senior SOCIAL WORKER executive, Peter Righton (1926–2007), who was a child protection expert and social care worker, managed to have almost full protection from prosecution, whilst promoting the PEDOPHILE INFORMATION EXCHANGE during a long career.  Again, just as the Lord Janner case proves, we see virtual immunity from prosecution of known pedophiles in the British establishment.

In 2013, the Metropolitan Police launched Operation Cayacos to investigate claims that Righton was part of an establishment paedophile network.  Well, by 2013, Righton had already molested and spoiled the hopes, dreams and lives of many children in Care Homes.


Thanks to the Ian Pace blog – we now know that from 1976 to 1979, Peter Righton published regular articles in Social Work Todaywhich are all collected here. Of particular note is his article ‘Sex and the residential social worker’Social Work Today, February 15th, 1977, thus written during Righton’s period on the PIE Executive Committee.

Citing a 1975 article by then Lecturer in Social Work at Brunel University Leonard F. Davis seeking to legitimise sexualised touching of children in care (Leonard F. Davis – Touch, Sexuality and Power in Residential SettingsBritish Journal of Social Work, Vol. 5, No. 4 (1975), pp. 397-411 – Davis himself acknowledged Righton’s advice in the preparation of the paper; he is listed as having ‘recently completed the Course in Educational Studies at the National Institute for Social Work’, so may have been one of Righton’s students), Righton argued ‘‘Provided there is no question of exploitation, sexual relationships freely entered into by residents – including adolescents – should not be a matter for automatic inquiry’.

Chris Everard is publishing a three part investigation into a massive British cover-up operation - read the first part here https://gumroad.com/chriseverard
Chris Everard is publishing a three part investigation into a massive British cover-up operation – read the first part here https://gumroad.com/chriseverard

Righton was eventually arrested – but got off with minor offences – for decades before he was busted, Righton worked in children’s homes, including in Maidstone, Kent, and was a lecturer in child protection and residential care, including at the Open University and in Birmingham. The Open University broadcast lectures on the BBC.  Righton was Director of Education at the National Institute of Social Work, and vice-chairman of governors at New Barns School in Toddington, Gloucestershire.  He was also a consultant to the National Children’s Bureau.  Whilst holding these positions, he openly promoted the lowering of the age of Consent – in line with the laws of the Talmud.  Righton’s colleague in the Pedophile Information Exchange was the Deputy Director of MI6 – Sir Peter Hayman.  Both Hayman and Righton received small misdemeanour charges for sex acts – but largely stayed ‘under the RADAR’ during their careers.

Continue to read more revelations in Chris Everard’s book THE BRITISH ILLUMINATI – click here https://gumroad.com/chriseverard

"Chris Everard's investigation into the BRITISH ILLUMINATI is a page turner - you can't stop reading it - it reads 'fast' too - packed with detail" - KEV BAKER SHOW 90.7FM Denver
“Chris Everard’s investigation into the BRITISH ILLUMINATI is a page turner – you can’t stop reading it – it reads ‘fast’ too – packed with detail” – KEV BAKER SHOW 90.7FM Denver