What’s Up This Fall 2015?
By Catherine Austin Fitts
It’s August – and the tension about what’s coming in a busy fall is rising. Some of the tension is created by the forces of disinformation as part of ongoing economic warfare and control games. In part, creating higher drama levels gives Mr. Global the psychic storm he wants to use for the UN meeting in September.
Some tension comes from the fact that a lot of cans have been kicked for too long. We are having to face up to global debt problems – plunging commodities prices will make that a tricky business. And, of course, the Fear Porn purveyors are out in full force.
I will be talking about these issues tonight on Money and Markets as well as in my upcoming interview with Richard Dolan this month.
As background, I thought it would help to list some of the important initiatives underway as well as upcoming events which will impact global financial markets.
Have suggestions to add to the list? Subscribers can post them in the comments below!
- Law of Attraction – intensity increases
- Iran Deal
- Trans-Pacific Partnership through TPP alliance
- China wants Yuan in the SDR System – will Lagarde overrule staff recommendation (they say no) in final decision and announcement in the fall?

- UN Proposal to make Palestine a state (France expected to propose at 70th Assembly in September)
- Trade Services Agreement and TransAtlantic Investment Partnership
The Gang’s All Here – September 26-28
United Nations, New York City
- September 15 – 70th Regular Session of the UN General Assembly opens
- September 25-27 – High level plenary meeting of the General Assembly – Adoption of the post 2015 development agenda – Global Agenda 21 on steriods
- September 25 – Pope Francis (1st trip to US as Pope) to Address General Assembly
- September 28 General Debate of the 70th Session – scheduled to address Assembly of world leaders:
- Xi Jinping (1st State trip to US)
- Putin (Last in US in 2007)
- Obama
- Hollande
- Rouhani
- September 24th: Pope addresses Joint Session of US Congress
- September 26-29 – Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting in New York City
- September 27 – Pope holds Sunday mass on the Ben Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia
Federal Budget Tensions
- October 1 -Deadline for US Federal 2017-18 Budget/Appropriations – Kiplinger says Congress won’t make its deadline
- Late October – US Treasury estimate it runs out of cash reserves if Congress does not pass a new debt limit
- A reminder of many others:
- Puerto Rico – ongoing
- Greece – ongoing
- September 11th, 2015 – 14th anniversary of 911
- Plunge in Commodities Price translates into problem in bonds and bank debt markets for commodities producers, municipalities and sovereign governments.
- September 16-17 – Federal Reserve Open Market Committee meets – expected to raise interest rates unless falling commodity prices persuade them to back peddle
- Note: August 27-29 – Kansas City Fed Meeting of Global Central Bankers in Jackson Hole Wyoming – Yellin not attending
- September 30 – 3rd Quarter ends September 30 – earnings reports and filings follow
- US equity markets significantly overdue for 10-25% correction
- Strong US dollar putting pressure on US corporate earnings
- September and October are important agricultural harvest times in North America and many other parts of the worlds – a good year?
- October 24, 1929, Black Tuesday, the Great Crash
- October 13, 1989 Friday the 13th Mini-Crash
- October 27, 1997 Mini crash
- October 9, 2002 Market turn down
- October 11, 2007 US bear market of 2007-9 begins
- September 2008 US mortgage markets hit wall; US takes over Freddie & Fannie; Lehman declares bankruptcy
- Posturing continues – US Presidential Election 2016
- UN events give Clinton opportunity to round up major campaign cash (like Bush at Bohemian Grove); Will Mr. Global want New Yorker Trump to grab attention through the UN events?
- October 9-11, 2015 2015 Annual Meetings of the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund, Lima, Peru
- October 19 Canada Federal Elections
- November 15-16 G20 2015 Summit in Antalya, Turkey.
- August 29 – Full Moon, Supermoon.
- September 13 – New Moon.
- September 13 – Partial Solar Eclipse.
- September 17 – October 9: Mercury Retrograde
- September 23 – September Equinox
- September 28 – Full Moon, Supermoon.
- September 28 – Total Lunar Eclipse. Blood Moon Tetrad Concludes
- October 13 – New Moon.
- October 26 – Conjunction of Venus and Jupiter.
- October 27 – Full Moon, Supermoon.
- October 28 – Conjunction of Venus, Mars, and Jupiter.
- Martin Armstrong predicts Sovereign Bond Crisis starting in September 2015
- Fear Porn Push: Shemitah year climax – September 13th
- September 15: Jade Helm ends
- October 31-November 1 – Catherine at Secret Space Program 2015 in Austin, Texas