Sunday, October 25, 2015

Deep Source Intel Update - October 25, 2015

(Note: This is completely raw intel from Classified sources and may or may not come to fruition. User discernment is advised. ~ Dinar Chronicles)

SITREP (Situation Report)

1:00 AM EST

Deep Source (RV/GCR):
"Activity has increased in Reno. Received two calls from two different contacts. One was that the RV has commenced in New Zealand with the Iraqi Dinar at the rate of $9, Dong $4 and the Zim at 25 cents. The other call reported that Dinar Dealers have begun to shut down and people with SKR's have been getting paid."

Deep Source (Resistance):
"General Dunford is now in control and has been for over a month now. Infighting within the Pentagon is still on-going. The Russian's were given the go-ahead by the 'Forces that be' to checkmate the RKM."

Note from Deep Source(s):
"Please note: Intel that is being provided from us to you is indeed accurate but completely raw and does have a tendency to not follow through. There is no denying that we are all in frustration and loss of patience. It is entirely a fact that intel being provided is real, but there are constant on-going activities that change the situation. This is agonizing but you mustn't lose hope. Nothing lasts forever."