Saturday, November 7, 2015

When Will America Jail Their Banksters Like Iceland is Doing?

Jail the Banksters-1

James Hall, Guest
Waking Times
The most dramatic contrast in the rule of law against the architects of financial theft can be seen in the way America protects their banksters and the accountability that Iceland imposed on their financial crooks. The fact that the orthodox financial press refuses to cover the incarceration of Iceland’s Bankers Face 74 Years in Prison While US Banks Profit After Your Bailout, is clear proof who really controls the political and economic institutions in the United States. As for the courts, America has long ago shredded the rule of law in this country.
Five top bankers from Iceland’s two largest banks — Landsbankinn and Kaupþing — were found guilty of embezzlement, market manipulation, and breach of fiduciary duties. Though the country’s maximum penalty for financial crimes currently stands at six years, the Supreme Court is currently hearing arguments to extend the limit. Most of those convicted have so far been sentenced to between two and five years.”
Pray tell, when will the public wake up from their systematic induced lobotomy from a culture designed to purge even a fundamental understanding of money, finance and economics? A society based upon psychosurgery has produced the densest population on the planet. Stuck on Stupid does not say enough about the fools that keep obeying the dictates of the financial elites.

In a demonstration of supreme chutzpah, former Federal Reserve Chairman, Ben Shalom Bernanke points the finger at his brethren tribe of moneychangers, while spinning out the con that the Fed came to the rescue. Ben Bernanke: More execs should have gone to jail for causing Great Recession, exemplifies just how inept the media presstitutes are in allowing the bag man for the banksters to deflect the true culprit of the cause of financial ruin.
“With publication of his memoir, The Courage to Act, on Tuesday by W.W. Norton & Co., Bernanke has some thoughts about what went right and what went wrong. For one thing, he says that more corporate executives should have gone to jail for their misdeeds. The Justice Department and other law-enforcement agencies focused on indicting or threatening to indict financial firms, he notes, “but it would have been my preference to have more investigation of individual action, since obviously everything what went wrong or was illegal was done by some individual, not by an abstract firm.”
The eradication of honest species is a direct result of the debt created fiat money system operated by the Federal Reserve. Acceptance of the Central Banking scheme, as legitimate is the fundamental curse of modern economics.

It comes as no shock that the street protests against the banksters has been infiltrated by the masters of the universe to insulate the central bank from the authentic outrage that sincere protestors express. However, mere demonstrations will not secure criminal indictments from a Department of Injustice that masquerades as the “Peoples’ Sheriff”.

The Iceland experience is a most hopeful action taken against the monetary criminal elites, who operate as the global alchemist of counterfeit usury.