Sunday, January 17, 2016

Sphere Beings, Guardians and Ancient Builder Race Connections to Thoth and the Law of One

Sphere Beings, Guardians and Ancient Builder Race Connections to Thoth and the Law of One | Secret Negotiations over Disclosure of Extraterrestrial Life & Inner Earth Civilizations

Corey Goode, a secret space program insider, and whistleblower, recently posted report revealing some startling revelations.

The following is a summary of some of those points by Dr. Michael Salla, as well as a short analysis of corresponding connections to related works such as the Law of One and the Emerald Tablets of Thoth.

Amongst one the more sensational points offered is that the Inner Earth groups meet with the Sphere Being Alliance, who they call the "Guardians," and who the secret space program refers to as the Ancient Builder race. Heretofore, it was not clear whether or not the Ancient builder race had any connection to the Sphere beings first encountered by the secret space program in the late 1980's.

In a previous Cosmic Disclosure episode, David Wilcock and Corey Goode discuss remnants of highly advanced technology left throughout the solar system, apparently by a race of beings that took it upon themselves to leave these artifacts for a specific purpose. Apparently the Ancient Builder race did this to help lift evolving races out of the pitfalls of materialism and bellicosity, to one day join the ranks of spiritualized races in the cosmos. 

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