Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The Top 5 Most Shocking Revelations from the DNC Leaks

Just in time for the Democratic National Convention, WikiLeaks gave an unprecedented look into the Democratic Party’s practices by releasing nearly 20,000 emails. These emails came from the accounts of seven DNC officials, and were sent between January 2015 and May 2016.

Here are the 5 most shocking revelations from the DNC Leaks:

5. DNC officials had nicknames for certain demographics, such as the Latino community. One official referred to recruiting Latino voters  “Taco Bowl Engagement.” In an email with the subject “Trump isn’t trying to bring people together,” the official wrote, “Attached is a script for a new video we’d like to use to mop up some more taco bowl engagement, and demonstrate the Trump actually isn’t trying.”

4. The leaked emails revealed a close relationship between the mainstream media and the Clinton campaign. In one email that was forwarded between DNC officials, their communications director wrote, “Vogel gave me his story ahead of time/before it goes to his editors as long as I didn’t share it. Let me know if you see anything that’s missing and I’ll push back.” He was referring to Politico reporter Ken Vogel, who sent a copy of his story on Hillary Clinton’s fundraising practices to the DNC before he sent it to his own editors, in order to give both the committee and the Clinton campaign time to coordinate a response when the story was published.

3. Although the DNC claimed to be neutral, one of the most important things that the emails released by WikiLeaks revealed was that the committee had a bias against Bernie Sanders. Despite drawing hundreds of thousands of people to his rallies and proving himself to be a viable candidate, Sanders was ridiculed by DNC officials. After a staffer from the Sanders campaign gained access to the Clinton campaign’s voter data, one DNC official wrote, “Wondering if there’s a good Bernie narrative for a story, which is that Bernie never ever had his act together, that his campaign was a mess.”

2. The leaked emails also gave insight into which candidate DNC officials expected to be elected as their nominee. According to a spreadsheet released by WikiLeaks, the DNC was coordinating which individuals they should appoint to federal boards and commissions as early as April. The individuals on their list were all prominent donors and fundraisers, and the majority of those donors had contributed money to the Clinton campaign.

1. It’s not all about the leaks themselves as much it is what happens after these revelations are made public. The DNC’s chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz resigned Sunday following the leaks and within hours of her announcement, Hillary Clinton proudly announced that she had hired Schultz to work as an honorary official for the Clinton campaign. By doing this, Clinton is showing the world that she sees no problem in the fact that the Democratic National Committee intended to rig the primary in her favor, and she’s reminding the American public exactly where she stands when it comes to morals and ethics.

Rachel Blevins is a journalist who aspires to break the left/right paradigm in media and politics by pursuing truth and questioning existing narratives. For story tips, contact