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Joint U.S.-French Intelligence Task Force,
operating on American soil for over 200 yearsTOM HENEGHAN INTELLIGENCE BRIEFINGS
ALL Patriot Americans MUST know with sources inside
American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL
reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the
corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly
propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions
Protect and defend YOUR Constitution Bill of Rights,
the Supreme Law of the United States
PIZZA-GATE is PEDOPHILE-GATEby Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

click to enlarge
UNITED States of America - It can now be reported that the U.S. Military Grand Jury have enough evidence to link the Clinton Foundation to a massive "pay-for-play" child sex trafficking operation tied to both Israeli and Saudi Intelligence.
This "pay-for-play" operation involves Huma Abedin, Bill and Hillary Clinton, junior George W. BushFRAUD, John Podesta, Karl Rove, Mitt Romney and over half of the U.S. Congress and the extortion friendly U.S. media elite filth.
Note: The Clintons and Bushes face immediate arrest!
We can now report that Hillary Clinton made a call to her CIA ‘handler’ daddy Bush aka George Herbert Walker Bush to hack and steal five (5) states on election night 2016 on behalf of Satanist lesbian Hillary as daddy had done for his Satanist homosexual son in the year 2000 election coup d'état.
After a half an hour after the 2016 election coup was ordered by pedophile daddy Bush (George H.W. Bush) the patriotic U.S. Military stepped in and stopped the election hacking operation and tuned off the Tristar and Israeli satellites that were about to steal yet another U.S. presidential election.
BREAKING NEWS: Podesta Brothers Pedo Ring
November 19, 2016Breaking news to share today as the Podesta #PizzaGate scandal is cracked wide open. Anon has discovered that the Podesta Comet Ping Pong photos contain encrypted data which if decoded my lead to smoking gun evidence of pedophilia.
But even more stunning is the news that according to FBI and intelligence sources, the Podesta brothers were in Portugal on May 3, 2007, the date of the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.
November 19, 2016
Beyond Disturbing: DC’s “Comet Pizza” Pedophile Ring May Literally Bring Down Our Government!!
by Bix Weir
Comet Ping Pong – Pizzagate Summary
Know the enemy. See it and wrench it out of the shadows, into the light.
I just broke down into tears. After spending the last evening going over this material particularly as it pertains to the #Spiritcooking/#pizzagate/
This looks like the face of the enemy. Why? It appears on its face to be nothing more than a hipster dive pizza shop run by the “49th most connected man in DC”, but somethings struck me as very odd.
1.)Satanic Comet Ping Pong Wall Murals. Circles/emphasis mine. Nothing too sketch about those at all, eh? Certainly looks like something you’d want to have your fucking kids looking at while playing ping pong.
2.) Amanda Kleinman, one of the purported musicians’ who performs here (again in front of children) music is freakishly satanic and disturbing. Examples, HERE Titled, “All the children” with hellish images of symbolic pedophilia, EXAMPLE.
Additionally, you might notice further down the very distrubing Heavy Breathing website, images of a young woman behind a symbolic brick wall being strangled from behind by a shadowy figure with a black glove.
Other music videos/material posted to the Amanda Kleiman YouTube mention pedophilia directly in text on the screen as seen HERE
Additionally, her creepy, disturbing spoken word stuff certainly doesn’t evoke family friendly feelings in the pit of my stomach, not to mention the somewhat tenuous connections to the Paul Sizemore video taken at Comet Ping Pong. Nevertheless, some of the images of Paul Sizemore’s son on his blog are quite disturbing and dark
But wait, there’s more.
Guess what else they have at Comet Ping Pong?
Wait for it… wait for it. Yes, an after school children’s club which teaches children, amongst other family-friendly and uplifting things such as the following ON VALENTINES DAY: MONSTER VALENTINES / MONSTERS IN LOVE. Monday, February 13; 4 – 6pm Viewing Valentine’s Day through the eyes of imaginary monsters and considering how these creatures’ ideas of beauty may differ from our own, youth will create valentines either for monsters, by monsters, or both.
Very interesting how the Podesta emails make constant reference to Pizza as well as seek to organize gatherings at this place for social events/Pizza Parties.
But in the over arcing theme of things there are two main common denominators that keep popping up.. Kids and Pizza.
We are dealing with the Dark Lord here, friends. On what level or to what extent I am not sure, but I feel it in me.https://www.reddit.com/r/The_
BREAKING: From the anon who brought you the Laura Silsby connection: I have uncovered a pedophile with links to Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, David Brock, George Soros, Marina Abramovic and the Podestas
by IWB · November 7, 2016
by PleadingtheYiff
The individual I have mentioned is one James Achilles Alefantis. Mr. Alefantis is the owner of the Washington DC pizza parlor Comet Ping Pong. There are disturbing indications that Mr. Alefantis is running some form of pedophile ring that involves quite a few public figures in Washington D.C. It would appear that he is the “Achilles heel” for all these people of stature.
Since the investigation began, Mr. Alefantis has deleted many of his posts and set his social media to private. We have archived the entirety of his online presence however. Links posted here are both archives and screenshots I took while helping to investigate.
First I will discuss Alefantis’ links to powerful people, then outline the preponderance of evidence that he is a pedophile and uses Comet Ping Pong as a front for his sex trafficking ring.
I. Connections between Power Brokers and Alefantis
David Brock, director of Correct the Record
James Alefantis is the owner of pizza joint Comet Ping Pong, he is the romantic partner of former CTR director David Brock. Here is a link confirming this and showing them caught up with another individual in some kind of blackmail love triangle:
Here is a photo of Brock on Alefantis’ Instagram:
Hillary Clinton
Here is a letter Alefantis posted from Hillary thanking him for helping with a fundraiser that involved the Podestas:
An FEC search also shows payments made to Alefantis from the Clinton Campaign and pro Clinton PACS
Barack Obama
Here is a photo Alefantis posted showing Obama playing ping pong with a young boy:
Obama has also been identified in the Wikileaks Podesta dump as having held phone banks at Comet Ping Pong’s location:https://wikileaks.org/podesta-
Alefantis is also listed in White House records as having visited a few times:http://imgur.com/Ia1lLQK
George Soros
Yes, George Soros even is involved with this pizza parlor. He is listed as a major donor to the American Bridge 21st Century PAC:
This PAC is on record with the FEC as having made several donations to Comet Ping Pong:
Marina Abramovic
Alefantis appears to have some form of relationship to spirit cooking “artist” Marina Abramovic as he references her in his instagram:
He also posted a photo which appears to possibly make a Moloch reference:http://archive.is/ycEwD
Here is Alefantis posting a photo of Tony Podestas house:http://archive.is/LIHTn
You may remember this “Arch of Agony” statue from the house of Tony Podesta, as seen in this Washington Post article:
Keep in mind that this house contains art showing child abuse by Biljana Djurdjevic:
II. Implications James Alefantis is running a pedophile ring out of Comet Ping Pong
A. Sexual references made in Comet Ping Pong and by Alefantis online
First. Comet Ping Pong advertises itself as a “family place for parents and their kids”
This website here shows that a reviewer mentioned the presence of hidden doors in the establishment (it also revealed that the Food Network show host Guy Fieri has done an episode there). Link and screenshot of relevant portion here:http://www.sashalordpresents.
Despite it’s claim to be “family friendly” the restaurant has a number of disturbing sexual references inside and James Alefantis makes a number of references to pedophelia both overtly and implicitly online. Alefantis actually posted a photo of an “art” photo piece which appears to show a man vaginally penetrating what could be an underage girl. I have decided not to share it here but it has been archived. He has since deleted the photo.
EDIT: People suggested I post an edited version of the photo. Here it is, with all NSFW parts removed:
Here is a photo showing the inside of Comet Ping Pong where graffiti saying “shut up and fuck” and “Amen” are clearly visible:
He posted a disturbing image of a little girl taped down to a table in Comet Ping Pong:
He joked about purchasing infants:
Here he posted a photo featuring a man wearing a shirt that says “I love children” in French:
https://i.sli.mg/ON22AY.pngHere he reference a “boom boom room” which sounds disturbingly like a play on the phrase “boom boom” used by foreign prostitutes to describe sex:
More on the above photo:
A photo showing children engaged in some strange ceremony or ritual:
Another odd photo someone tagged at Comet Ping Pong:
Here Alefantis posted a photo of a man with a yellow bead necklace around the head of a young boy. A quick search reveals yellow sex bracelets imply analingus, and the hashtag #chickenlovers in the instagram post is a pedophile reference to adult men who are attracted to underage boys. Links below:http://archive.is/2XUmH
B. References to pizza in a was that is either sexual or involved children
Alefantis and others clearly use the term “pizza” to allude, at the very least to sex (I believe it to mean sex with minors). Here are a number of references from Alefantis and others tagged at Comet Ping Pong making sexual innuendos about pizza and children:https://archive.fo/rwOig
C. Innuendos to systematic child abuse and trafficking
Comet Ping Pong’s posters for the “concerts” played at their venue show references to abuse and pedophilia.
Here is an poster which may refer to the out of body experience children have when experiencing extreme abuse:
Here is one showing a band called the “Lolitas” played at Comet Ping Pong:
More disturbingly Alefantis has posted a number of photos showing very suspicious rooms, construction of underground chambers and openly joked about “filling them” with his friends on Instagram.
Here is a photo Alefantis posted showing men digging a hole. Him and his friends joke about “filling it” and a commenter claims his hole has “been full for quite some time now.” They also joke about doing a “line up” at the hole in the near future.
Another photo he posted appears to shows a large freezer, which could appear to be a location used for some kind of imprisonment or torture. Commenters on the photo joke “rinse it off when you’re done” and “kill room.”
The man who commented “kill room” on the above photo has a number of images on his Instagram appearing to show he makes child sized coffins:
Here is a disturbing Wikileaks email where a “torture chamber” is referenced:
Finally, people have noticed that pro-Hillary groups own ALL the properties on the block where Comet Ping Pong is located.
As noted in the previous picture, some of the company logos of nearby groups who have offices near Comet Ping Pong look similar to known images used by pedophiles as per this FBI document:
What can we do about this?
It seems fairly likely that the DC police and FBI will not do anything about this situation. Raise public awareness! Our best tool to combat the people in power on this issue is to build publicity until the public demands a change. Get the word out!
Credits to all the anons on /pol/ who have been working around the clock on this, as well as our own nimble navigators, especially /u/dota2_scrub who found the Soros/Obama documentation.

Al Qaeda is nothing more than an extension of the operatus linked to U.S. intelligence that was allowed, by script,
to remove itself as a rogue break away entity of the U.S. government
allowed to de-compartmentalize from oversight, and was run instead by Gary Best rogue 'Black Ops' specialists for scripted activity outside of the U.S. government,
with its funding being orchestrated through the Pakistani secret police,
an entity of the U.S. government itself." (2006)
~ Tom Heneghan, great American Patriot and International Intelligence Expert
to remove itself as a rogue break away entity of the U.S. government
allowed to de-compartmentalize from oversight, and was run instead by Gary Best rogue 'Black Ops' specialists for scripted activity outside of the U.S. government,
with its funding being orchestrated through the Pakistani secret police,
an entity of the U.S. government itself." (2006)
~ Tom Heneghan, great American Patriot and International Intelligence Expert
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." (1755)
~ Benjamin Franklin, Founding Father, great American Patriot
~ Benjamin Franklin, Founding Father, great American Patriot
The Declaration of Independence
IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,
enhanced excerpt
But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to prove new Guards for their future security. (1776) ~ Thomas Jefferson, Founding Father, great American Patriot, author of the Declaration of Independence and 3rd U.S. President
DULY ELECTED President Albert Gore Jr.
awaits inauguration,
our U.S. Constitution that is the
Supreme Law of the United States
demands it!
As we live free or die, Lafayette remains at Brandywine and
Albert Gore Jr. remains the year 2000,
natural born REAL President of the United States.
Al Gore on Restoring the Rule of Law