Among all the garbage that regularly comes across my desk, I have recently received this: International Notice to Vatican City in the matter of Vatican City subject: “Anna Hapsburg”, aka “Anna Von Reitz”
only was I born and raised in America (Wisconsin), my Father was born
and raised in Illinois. Any attempt to misrepresent or mischaracterize
me as a foreigner or a citizen or agent of any foreign country is
nothing but a Big, Fat Lie.
The words “United States of America” are not protected by any copyright or trademark, so any fool can claim to be or to represent the “United States of America”— and that is what this group of expatriates in Costa Rica is attempting to do.
They are also attempting to allege that the title “Postmaster General” is equivalent to the title “United States Post Master”— which just isn’t so, either.
These people might be well-intentioned, but they are ignorant as Pat’s Pig and none too careful about telling the truth or checking the facts before blowing off their mouths and misleading others.
There are now –by my count– four (4) different organizations claiming to be the federal government owed to the people of the United States and none of them are real. Not one.
There’s the “Republic for the united States of America” (RuSA) which is claiming to be the federal government. There’s “The United States of America” from Costa Rica claiming to be the federal government. There’s the “Unity States of America” from Colorado claiming to be the federal government. And last but not least, there is “The New Republic”— a French-sponsored group that I call “Le Neu Republique”.
Are any of these groups the actual legitimate government?
No, they are not.
Why? Because the government in this country is vested entirely in the people of this country, and the people in this country haven’t been organized to speak for themselves for many years.
That is the problem. There hasn’t been a legitimate federal government since 1860 and there still isn’t and cannot be without a lot of people waking up and taking action.
Self-governance requires us to get on our own feet, organize our own Jural Assemblies in our own counties and then to organize the land jurisdiction states and do a LOT of work by a LOT of people, and none of these Wannabe groups want to do the work.
They all want to sit in some cozy location flapping their lips and pretending to be the government “of the people, by the people, and for the people”—–when they are not.
Did you ever hear of, much less participate in electing any “Government of the United States of America” located in Costa Rica? No? Well, neither did I. The group now calling itself “The United States of America” is just another Wanna Be operation and there is no lack of those to be had.
The actual government is organized township by township, county by county, state by state. It works from the bottom up, NOT from the top down. It takes tremendous amounts of work to organize this entire county, and it can’t be done by any outsiders. It has to be done by the actual people themselves, and can’t be done for them.
We already let that one slide, and that’s how we were betrayed by Roosevelt and got in this mess in the first place. Some things you just can’t trust someone else to do for you. Some things you have to do for yourself.
Most importantly, what needs to be done can’t be done by “United States Citizens” or “citizens of the United States” or by anyone calling themselves a citizen of “United States of America”. All these entities are foreign with respect to the actual people of this country and always have been so there is no use debating which one of these foreign entities is us, because none of them are.
The only people owed the government of the land jurisdiction of this country are non-citizen nationals of the actual states—-people known as Virginians, Wisconsinites, Ohioans, Texans, New Yorkers, and so on. And it is only people claiming this political status who have any right to organize the government of this nation.
The original “federal government” was never a sovereign government and no federal government organized since then has been sovereign, either.
Instead, the states agreed to pay for certain enumerated services and the British Monarch agreed to provide them. The federal government was a British government operation from Day One: strictly with regard to those nineteen enumerated services the British King was allowed to exercise —the rights and prerogatives of the actual sovereign states—which is not the same as being the sovereign.
A dog cannot be a cat.
All these organizations trying to claim that they are our government are dogs claiming to be cats.
So—- to RuSA, to “The United States of America” located in Costa Rica, to “Unity States of America” and to Le Neu Republique—- I have but this to say: “MEOW!”
The only lawful federal government has to be elected by people who are legitimate state nationals and the only actual agents of the sovereign state governments are Fiduciary Deputies seated in a lawful Continental Congress. Period. All powers delegated to the “federal government” are exactly that— delegated.
Until the people of this country are fully informed and get organized to operate in their own behalf, we operate under the Last Man Standing Rule. Our national currency is the United States Silver Dollar. Our national language is English. Our capitol is located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Our Congress is a lawful body politic of Fiduciary Deputies elected by the people from each of the sovereign land-jurisdiction states. Our international agents are the Native American indigenous nations who have chosen to contract with us to maintain the federal side of the constitutional contract. And I am a Wisconsinite.
These are the facts and that is the law — by birthright, by trilateral international treaty, by national trust indenture, and by commercial contract. The con men and ignoramuses among us can just go blow, so long as we know who we are —- and who they are.
The words “United States of America” are not protected by any copyright or trademark, so any fool can claim to be or to represent the “United States of America”— and that is what this group of expatriates in Costa Rica is attempting to do.
They are also attempting to allege that the title “Postmaster General” is equivalent to the title “United States Post Master”— which just isn’t so, either.
These people might be well-intentioned, but they are ignorant as Pat’s Pig and none too careful about telling the truth or checking the facts before blowing off their mouths and misleading others.
There are now –by my count– four (4) different organizations claiming to be the federal government owed to the people of the United States and none of them are real. Not one.
There’s the “Republic for the united States of America” (RuSA) which is claiming to be the federal government. There’s “The United States of America” from Costa Rica claiming to be the federal government. There’s the “Unity States of America” from Colorado claiming to be the federal government. And last but not least, there is “The New Republic”— a French-sponsored group that I call “Le Neu Republique”.
Are any of these groups the actual legitimate government?
No, they are not.
Why? Because the government in this country is vested entirely in the people of this country, and the people in this country haven’t been organized to speak for themselves for many years.
That is the problem. There hasn’t been a legitimate federal government since 1860 and there still isn’t and cannot be without a lot of people waking up and taking action.
Self-governance requires us to get on our own feet, organize our own Jural Assemblies in our own counties and then to organize the land jurisdiction states and do a LOT of work by a LOT of people, and none of these Wannabe groups want to do the work.
They all want to sit in some cozy location flapping their lips and pretending to be the government “of the people, by the people, and for the people”—–when they are not.
Did you ever hear of, much less participate in electing any “Government of the United States of America” located in Costa Rica? No? Well, neither did I. The group now calling itself “The United States of America” is just another Wanna Be operation and there is no lack of those to be had.
The actual government is organized township by township, county by county, state by state. It works from the bottom up, NOT from the top down. It takes tremendous amounts of work to organize this entire county, and it can’t be done by any outsiders. It has to be done by the actual people themselves, and can’t be done for them.
We already let that one slide, and that’s how we were betrayed by Roosevelt and got in this mess in the first place. Some things you just can’t trust someone else to do for you. Some things you have to do for yourself.
Most importantly, what needs to be done can’t be done by “United States Citizens” or “citizens of the United States” or by anyone calling themselves a citizen of “United States of America”. All these entities are foreign with respect to the actual people of this country and always have been so there is no use debating which one of these foreign entities is us, because none of them are.
The only people owed the government of the land jurisdiction of this country are non-citizen nationals of the actual states—-people known as Virginians, Wisconsinites, Ohioans, Texans, New Yorkers, and so on. And it is only people claiming this political status who have any right to organize the government of this nation.
The original “federal government” was never a sovereign government and no federal government organized since then has been sovereign, either.
Instead, the states agreed to pay for certain enumerated services and the British Monarch agreed to provide them. The federal government was a British government operation from Day One: strictly with regard to those nineteen enumerated services the British King was allowed to exercise —the rights and prerogatives of the actual sovereign states—which is not the same as being the sovereign.
A dog cannot be a cat.
All these organizations trying to claim that they are our government are dogs claiming to be cats.
So—- to RuSA, to “The United States of America” located in Costa Rica, to “Unity States of America” and to Le Neu Republique—- I have but this to say: “MEOW!”
The only lawful federal government has to be elected by people who are legitimate state nationals and the only actual agents of the sovereign state governments are Fiduciary Deputies seated in a lawful Continental Congress. Period. All powers delegated to the “federal government” are exactly that— delegated.
Until the people of this country are fully informed and get organized to operate in their own behalf, we operate under the Last Man Standing Rule. Our national currency is the United States Silver Dollar. Our national language is English. Our capitol is located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Our Congress is a lawful body politic of Fiduciary Deputies elected by the people from each of the sovereign land-jurisdiction states. Our international agents are the Native American indigenous nations who have chosen to contract with us to maintain the federal side of the constitutional contract. And I am a Wisconsinite.
These are the facts and that is the law — by birthright, by trilateral international treaty, by national trust indenture, and by commercial contract. The con men and ignoramuses among us can just go blow, so long as we know who we are —- and who they are.