"No Wonder"
RV Thought
December 23, 2016
Did you know that banks and markets worldwide are either closed or on national holiday for the following days remaining in 2016:
December 24, 25, 26, 31 (2016)
January 1, 2 (2017)
This means over a 10 day period at the end of the year, there are 6 full days of financial down time. And very little business activity in the other 4 days between Christmas and New Years.
We've always heard he RV needed ten days to complete the private transactions, with a bank holiday. Could this really finally be our redemption period?
And could the Chinese Elders have things so under control that they are intentionally giving the world a Christmas gift on Christmas Day (Christmas Eve in USA) for everyone on to enjoy Christmas morning?
And instead of all these perceived negative time delays, they were actually drawing out the process to sync up dates perfectly for a holiday time release?
That would not only be highly symbolic, but perhaps targeted to highlight that there's now real peace of earth; and this sudden helicopter drop of money would historically be understood as a true Gift of God--just like the Messiah child, born to usher in a completely new era of peace, prosperity and love for all humanity.
What if the RV 800# release is the last piece of the GCR puzzle, and also the first piece to an entirely new reality for the next 1,000 years?
No wonder it was held back.
No wonder it is now safe to redeem.
No wonder it will be so much.
No wonder, no wonder, no wonder...