Sunday, December 4, 2016

Peering Into the Fabric of Spacetime --"We'll Soon See a Totally Different, Totally Unexpected Universe"

Shared by Corey Goode via Twitter....

Peering Into the Fabric of Spacetime --"We'll Soon See a Totally Different, Totally Unexpected Universe"
The physicist Neils Bohr once said to a colleague, "your theory is crazy, but it's not crazy enough to be true." For many scientists, the most exciting result of the LIGO discovery of gravitational waves is that astronomy can now enable them to probe the “dark” universe: objects and forces that don’t absorb, reflect, or emit light, yet make up 96 percent of the universe --a seismic shift in astronomy, which has been studying the light side of the universe for 5,000 years.

“When we get this new window on the universe, history and experience has shown us that we find something totally different, something totally unexpected," said Perimeter Institute for Theorectical Physics faculty member, Avery Broderick. "This has happened over and over again in astronomy, where we’ve opened up windows in the X-ray and the radio, and we see a totally different universe,” Broderick said.

“I would be shocked if we don’t see the same thing when we look with gravitational eyes, and see the gravitational wave universe as totally different. This is going to be absolutely critical to understanding how the dark universe and the light universe fit together.”

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