GCR/RV Astrology Update
January 5, 2017
GCR/RV Astrology Update
January 5, 2017
"Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world."
-- Harriet Tubman
Mercury Retrograde is that period of time in which the Planet Mercury appears to be going backwards against the stars in the sky. This usually occurs 3 or sometimes even 4 times in a year.
Mercury's orbit is closest to the sun, so it completes its orbit in about 88 days, compared to the earth's of about 365 days. As a result, from our perspective we first experience mercury moving forwards as it passes by the earth on our side of the sun, and then it seems to slow down and begin to move backwards as it races along on the farther side of the sun from our perspective.
2017 begins in the middle of a Mercury Retrograde cycle that started with Mercury entering the Pre-Shadow in December 1, 2016, followed with a full intensity Mercury Retrograde station at 5:55am EDT on Dec 19.
Mercury goes direct in Sagittarius on Sunday January 8, 2017 at 4:43am EDT. Mercury finally leaves the earth's Post Shadow on January 27 at approximately 1:00 pm EDT.
Mercury Retrograde Calendar for 2016, January, February. Copyright, 2011, 2012, 2014 Roman Oleh Yaworsky Asrology Horoscope Readings
It's also worth noting that January 28, 2017 is the start of the Chinese New Year 2017 based on their ancient lunar calendar. That's exactly the same time Mercury Retrograde ends for this cycle. It would make a lot of sense if all pre-RV activities are completed before the 2017 Chinese New Year begins.

"Reasons to Be Encouraged"
GCR/RV Review
January 5, 2017
GCR/RV Review
January 5, 2017
"Pessimism leads to weakness, optimism to power."
-- William James
Global Commitment to Peace
Global Commitment to Middle East Peace
Global Commitment to Ending Terrorism
Stable Petroleum Oil Spot Pricing
Stable Natural Gas Spot Pricing
Stable Precious Metals Spot Pricing
Stable Currencies Parity Pricing
Collateralized Global Economic Authority
Global Financial Reset
Global Banking & Regulation Reset
Revaluation of Global Currencies
Reinstitution of Global Gold Standard
Elimination of All Fiat Currencies & Assets
Establishment of Global Value Added Tax (VAT)
Elimination of Corrupted Government, Executive, Legislative & Judicial Actors
Elimination of All Unconstitutional Acts & Amendments
Elimination of All Unconstitutional Executive Orders
Reversal of All Unconstitutional Laws & Statutes
Reduction of US Military Base Presence Globally
Reductions of US Troop Deployment Globally
Reduction of US Conflict Engagement Globally
Restoration of the Original Republic of the United States of America Form of Government
Restoration of the Original Republic of he United States of America Congressional Constitution
Restoration of the Original Republic of the United States of America Executive, Legislative & Judicial Branches of Governance & Authority
Restoration of the Original Republic of the United States of America Popular Voting Law in All Future National Elections

RV Overview
January 5, 2017
RV Overview
January 5, 2017
"We accept the reality of the world with which we're presented."
- Actor Ed Harris as "Christof" in The Truman Show
Years ago I read Moby Dick. Took me a full week. And I remember the plight of Ahab, burdened with the notion that a great white whale existed and it was his destiny in life to defeat such a beast of the sea.
Hunting that white whale ultimately ended Ahab because his focus was on personal victory instead of the team experience throughout his expedition. The trophy versus the journey as it were.
I think we all came into the RV as individuals and have since learned to appreciate the team aspect of sticking it out together. Otherwise, we would all probably quit. Look at all those we knew that have come and gone along the currency adventure. They tapped out before the blessing because there were in it for the glory of the trophy not the lessons in the journey.
Think of how much you have learned along the way. All the countries and cultures, timezones and astrology, in ground precious metals and international fiat ponzi schemes. You've gotten an on the fly PHD in sovereign wealth.
More importantly you did not accept the world as it was presented to you, no one still here reading this did. In fact, we dug in deeper to what we knew to be true instead of what was constantly being shown to us. Disinformation blurb after disinformation agent they came at us, picking off a few every round sure, but not us. We stood the test. We all morphed into the right reasons for engagement even if we didn't all start there.
On Friday, a joint session of Congress is going to open electoral votes and ultimately decided to upon our next President and Vice President. That may be Trump. That may be Ryan. It won't be Clinton. However, it sure is interesting how that CIA intelligence briefing on Russian hacking is coming on today--right before the joint session sits down tomorrow at 1pm.
Did you know that Congress can throw out both the popular vote and electoral college vote if they suspect voting irregularities in any state? Yep, only takes one Senator or Congressman to challenge the voting process as true, and other to second the motion, and that would send the US Presidency and Vice Presidency to a majority vote in Congress.
Perhaps this is why the CIA's intelligence briefing is suddenly appearing today of all days, just a day before all those sealed electoral college votes decide out next administration.
In the end, it's not about who runs the next administration, or how much we get for our currencies, but the lessons we learned and stories we share along this RV journey together.
God is with us.
"To Whom I Have Concerned"
RV Letter
January 4, 2017
RV Letter
January 4, 2017
"It's one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself, to forgive. Forgive everybody."
-- Maya Angelou
To Whom I Have Concerned:
In recent months (years in some cases), I have concerned you with my behavior and decision making regarding something you only knew as the "RV." Yes, it consumed me, but not you… and as a result my following this "RV" has upset you and those around me on more than several occasions. For this I am deeply sorry. Never did I mean it cause you or anyone else pain or suffering. In fact the opposite, as I saw the "RV" as an unprecedented opportunity of personal liberation and financial redemption for our family, community and country for several generations to come.
Please hear me when I offer my sincerest apology for causing you anguish, as it was never my intention to bring added suffering into your life.
Also, please forgive me also for neglecting my daily responsibilities en route to conversion of these "RV" currencies, including being less than attentive on multiple occasions, even forgetting to earn a living or providing a roof over head due to what appeared to be my reckless and constant obsession for sovereign wealth My behavior on countless occasions was simply not cool. Not now, not ever. I just got so involved in creating our future that I pushed aside too many of my daily duties in the moment, and I know this was cause for great levels of unhappiness in your life.
So again, please hear this plea for forgiveness, as it was never my intention to bring added suffering into your life.
And now that we are finally on the precipice of truly making history with said "RV," as these long sought after public revalued rates reveal as truth and my vision become known, abundant and dynamic--let me just say from the bottom of my heart "thank you." I could have never made it this far without you. Never did you feel compelled to wait out the transition of the central banking system, 209 governments, peace in the Middle East and restored American government structure. That was all me. In fact, all of that was beneath you, as it was I that kept buying more currency or gifting it away like a drunken sailor to those less fortunate.
Like you, I felt so isolated at times, often downright insane for sticking with something I couldn't prove but knew was real. But you stuck it out with me to the end, never giving up on me even when you said you absolutely were. Without your love, your guidance in my life, I would be a lost boat without a rudder in the middle of some ocean. And while I know my life's purpose wasn't exactly yours directly, indirectly you will have helped millions receive benevolent volumes of mercy due to your decision making and angelic patience.
Anyway, thanks again for always being there for me. I hope you receive this plea of appreciation and gratitude as it was intended, with great warmth, admiration and mutual respect.
Finally, I wanted to say I love you. As is. No changes or edits. Unconditional just as you have unconditionally loved me. I know this "RV" thing was completely unconventional and mostly invisible to everyone we knew, including you. Yet for some unexplainable reason God awakened me out of all people to understand, receive and share its hope with the world. You selflessly shared that burden as I could one day have my glory.
However, there is a part of me believes that the Lord kept us equally yoked not solely for the obvious financial rewards, but more so because our planet was in serious distress, and our species threatened to point of extinction--and together, truth be told, we make one hell of a great team! And still do!!
Sure I might have initially been the one to take the pre-RV lead, but knowing your character and energy, there's no doubt the post-RV spotlight will shine down favorably and often on you. Then it will be my turn to support you unconditionally wherever your heart leads the family. Together, I believe we share a higher philanthropy calling--and speaking for me--it was worth every minute of struggle next to you.
Please always remember that I love you. And while love might sometimes change forms, my love for you is eternal and shall never diminish.
This RV letter was offered with great humility and pure Ho'oponopono from the heavenly heart of Yeshua Ben Yosef, Christ Jesus of the Nazarene from Galilee.
God is with us.