The following is a compilation of news articles that discuss the newest data dump from Wikileaks code named Vault 7. Enjoy!

CIA Contractor on #VAULT7 Leak: ‘There is Heavy Shit Coming Down’
Everything that Wikileaks has revealed over the past year has hurt both the integrity and honor of the United States. The question you have to grapple with, is it well deserved? After all, living inside of a vast and powerful empire has its benefits. As the empire expands, so does the wealth of its citizens. But it hasn't worked out that way, has it? The CIA deep staters have turned their guns on the people they serve -- using third world banana republic tactics to silence opposition, take down regimes not beholden to their world view, using advanced technology to both spy and monitor on American citizens -- infringing on our civil rights like nothing we've ever seen before.
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WikiLeaks’ Vault 7 Shows How CIA Spies on Your TV, Phone, PC, Mac, and More
(Matt Agorist) Only moments ago, WikiLeaks released what it claims to be the largest ever release of confidential documents on the CIA. This dump comes on the heels of a preview that the Free Thought Project reported on last month, in which WikiLeaks released documents showing the CIA’s role in interfering with French elections. This dump, however, is the apparent motherlode, which the transparency organization allegedly obtained from the CIA’s Center for Cyber Intelligence in Langley. It involves a massive cache of data ranging from the years 2013-2016.
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Wikileaks Dump Shows CIA Could Turn Smart TVs into Listening Devices
According to documents inside the cache, a CIA program named “Weeping Angel” provided the agency’s hackers with access to Samsung Smart TVs, allowing a television’s built-in voice control microphone to be remotely enabled while keeping the appearance that the TV itself was switched off, called “Fake-Off mode.” Although the display would be switched off, and LED indicator lights would be suppressed, the hardware inside the television would continue to operate, unbeknownst to the owner. The method, co-developed with British intelligence, required implanting a given TV with malware—it’s unclear if this attack could be executed remotely, but the documentation includes reference to in-person infection via a tainted USB drive. Once the malware was inside the TV, it could relay recorded audio data to a third party (presumably a server controlled by the CIA) through the included network connection.
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WikiLeaks: CIA Can Hack Cars to Carry Out “Undetectable Assassinations” – Just Like Michael Hastings**
(Claire Bernish) Award-winning journalist Michael Hastings garnered international acclaim for coverage of the Iraq War and had established a comfortable career with BuzzFeed, GQ, and Rolling Stone when his life abruptly ended in a fiery one-car crash under such suspicious circumstances, a prominent national security official claimed it was “consistent with a car cyber attack.”
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WikiLeaks: Russian Hacking Was ‘False Flag’ By CIA
WikiLeaks claim that the DNC and Podesta hacks were a “false flag operation” by the CIA, designed to undermine President Trump.
This Wikileaks release confirms what many independent news outlets have been saying all along: the Deep State wanted Clinton to win the Presidency due to the threat Trump poses to the globalists’ agenda.
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85% of world’s smart phones ‘weaponized’ by CIA
The majority of the world’s smartphones have been “weaponized,”
according to WikiLeaks, which revealed in its latest leak that the CIA
went to extreme measures to utilize the Android OS for spying.
Android operating system, used in 85 percent of the world’s smart
phones, including Samsung and Sony, was found to have 24 ‘zero days’ –
the code name used by the CIA to identify and exploit vulnerabilities
for the purpose of secretly collecting data on individuals.Continue Reading at .....
Wikileaks: US consulate in Frankfurt is covert hacking base for CIA
The US consulate in the German city of Frankfurt is used as a "covert CIA hacker base," with intelligence operatives receiving diplomatic passports and cover from the government, the whistleblowing organization WikiLeaks said Tuesday, citing the agency's confidential documents.
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Snowden: What The Wikileaks Revelations Show Is "Reckless Beyond Words"
While it has been superficially covered by much of the press - and one can make the argument that what Julian Assange has revealed is more relevant to the US population, than constant and so far unconfirmed speculation that Trump is a puppet of Putin - the fallout from the Wikileaks' "Vault 7" release this morning of thousands of documents demonstrating the extent to which the CIA uses backdoors to hack smartphones, computer operating systems, messenger applications and internet-connected televisions, will be profound.Continue Reading at ....
CIA Leak: “Russian Election Hackers” May Work In Langley
Attribution of cyber-intrusions and attacks is nearly impossible. A well executed attack can not be traced back to its culprit. If there are some trails that seem attributable one should be very cautions following them. They are likely faked.
Hundreds if not thousands of reports show that this lesson has not been learned. Any attack is attributed to one of a handful of declared “enemies” without any evidence that would prove their actual involvement.
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Wikileaks Destroys Obama – Reveals His History Of Wiretapping Friends and Rivals
Obamagate is gaining traction. Wikileaks revealed documents proving that Obama has a history of wiretapping and hacking friends and foes. In one particular Wikileaks document, Obama bugged a meeting between UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and German Chancellor, Angela Merkel. Obama also intercepted a call between then French president, Sarkozy and Merkel.Continue Reading at ....
ZERO YEAR: It doesn’t get any bigger than Vault 7
“The Largest Ever Publication Of Confidential CIA Documents”
If ever President Donald Trump needed a boost out of the swamp, that time is now.
Along comes WikiLeaks with what is destined to be the largest release of confidential CIA information and data in U.S. history. The following “Press Release” comes directly from the official WikiLeaks website:
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WikiLeaks ‘Vault 7’ dump reignites conspiracy theories surrounding death of Michael Hastings
DID the CIA assassinate journalist Michael Hastings?
WikiLeaks’ release on Tuesday of a massive trove of secret CIA documents
has reignited conspiracy theories which have swirled since 2013, with
revelations the spy agency was attempting to remotely hack vehicles.“As of October 2014 the CIA was also looking at infecting the vehicle control systems used by modern cars and trucks,” WikiLeaks writes. “The purpose of such control is not specified, but it would permit the CIA to engage in nearly undetectable assassinations.”
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