Alien life may already exist in our galaxy
Saturn’s moon Enceladus, Jupiter’s moon Europa, Pluto and its moon Charon, as well as the dwarf planet Ceres are potential homes for extra-terrestrials, scientists at University of Texas at San Antonio and the Southwest Research Institute claim.
All Telescopes Trained on 'Alien Megastructure' Star Previously Dismissed by NASA
The mysterious dimming and flickering of the star, first discovered in 2011, means something is passing in front of it. A range of theories have been put forward for this odd, light-flickering behavior, including one hypothesis which suggests an alien megastructure may have been built around the star to harvest its energy.
SHOCK CLAIM: Footage of 'alien UFO being tested at Area 51 leaked' -
Alien life could exist closer than we thought – on Pluto and the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, claim scientists

ALIEN hunters may be one step closer to finding ET. Several planets in our very own solar system may host alien life, stargazers have discovered.
PHOENIX LIGHTS UFO: New witness comes forward 20 years later… and its a hollywood legend
Message from Aliens? New Australian telescope finds Mystery Alien Signal days after being turned on
Ex NASA Scientist Says Large Spherical UFOs Are “Proliferating” Within The Rings Of Saturn