Hollywood Insider Speaks Out, Claims a Global Pedophile Ring Controls Hollywood May 19, 2017
Waking Times
Jon Robberson is a 16 year veteran of Hollywood feature film, television, and commercial production. He worked behind the scenes at all of the major studios and networks, having worked on projects for such notables as Spielberg, Bruckheimer, Silver and Abrams, to name a few. He also left that scene because he says it is rife with pedophilia.
Dave Daubenmire, the host of the webcast Pass the Salt Live, interviewed Robberson this week. During the interview, the former insider spoke about an alleged global Satanic pedophile ring that controls Hollywood.
Trust us, we know how this sounds. But hear it out.
Robberson is not the first person to make these claims. As the Free Thought Project reported last year, childhood star turned adult actor Elijah Wood, also claimed Hollywood is in the midst of a massive sexual abuse scandal, which can be compared to that of Jimmy Savile in Britain.
Wood came forward in an interview to blow the lid off the dark underground world of child acting in Hollywood.
In the interview with the Sunday Times, Wood dropped a bombshell, noting how child actors were regularly “preyed upon” by industry figures.
“Clearly something major was going on in Hollywood,” said Wood. “It was all organized.”
What Wood is talking about is the rampant sexual abuse of childhood actors, which has been previously exposed by Corey Feldman as well as Corey Haim.
In an episode of their reality TV show, The Two Coreys, a candid fight broke out during which Haim claimed Feldman stood by and watched as a person Feldman “still hangs out with” and is “best friends with” proceeded to “rape” the 14-year-old Haim.
“There are a lot of vipers in this industry, people who only have their own interests in mind,” continued Elijah Wood in his interview. “There is a darkness in the underbelly – if you can imagine it, it’s probably happened.”
When explaining how he was able to escape the molestation during his childhood in Hollywood, Elijah noted that he had good parents who protected him and did not let him attend these parties.
“She was far more concerned with raising me to be a good human than facilitating my career,” he said.
Wood says the abuse runs unchecked because the victims “can’t speak as loudly as people in power.”
“That’s the tragedy of attempting to reveal what is happening to innocent people,” he said. “They can be squashed but their lives have been irreparably damaged.”
Wood is referring to the immense power of Hollywood elites to control the narrative and quash any allegations of abuse before they even happen.
This narrative is so controlled that after Wood made these comments, the very next day the mainstream media attacked him and forced him to downplay them.
Fast forward one year and another Hollywood insider has a similar story — with a Satanic twist.
“Much of what is used in Hollywood today that would be considered Luciferian in nature really comes from a lot of the Druidic incantations, the Druidic witchcraft, the worship of Gaia, of earth, in ninth and tenth century England,” Robberson said on the webcast. “And prior to that, you can trace that through Kabbalistic witchcraft and Jewish mysticism all the way back, really, to what was going on in Babylon.”
“There is a distinct through-line from the time of when the Babylonians were sacrificing kids to Moloch in the temple at the top of the Tower of Babel,” Robberson noted, explaining the dark history of this sadistic ritual. “From the time that they attempted to slap God in the face with that stuff to Hollywood today, you could do an exhaustive study and find a distinct through-line in the practice of witchcraft.”
“There is pedophilia running rampant in Hollywood,” Robberson said. He then noted, just like Wood, that this ring preys on young children and it is made up of the “highest upper echelons of Hollywood, executive VPs of development, producers, mega-power agents and the international bankers that fund all this stuff.”
Robberson made damning claims, including pointing out that members of this depraved pedophile ring throw parties at which they drug children and film them engaged in “multi-partner homosexual [orgies], bloodletting, and animal dismemberment.”
Haim and Feldman alluded to very similar practices.
“Once they’ve got the goods on you on video, they own you,” Robberson said.
Sadly, positions of power, whether state-backed or not, often attract society’s worst. Knowing they are above the law, these sickos are allowed to target innocents for their own disgusting desires.
In his interview, Elijah Wood summed up this notion perfectly when he said, “People with parasitic interests will see you as their prey.” And, unfortunately, they continue to get away with it.
As the Free Thought Project has previously pointed out, pedophilia among the elite is rampant. The problem has gotten so bad in England that officials issued an order last month to stop naming streets and landmarks after local heroes and politicians because they could later be exposed as pedophiles.
In February, the Free Thought Project reported on the fact that the police chief recently came forward and confirmed that the former Prime Minister of England, Sir Edward Heath, had raped dozens of children. The department also noted how those within the government helped cover up these crimes.
In December, we reported on the massive child sex ring that was blown apart in Norway. That investigation quickly led to arrests of “51 people, all men, (who) are so far involved in the case. 24 of them come from Hordaland and Sogn og Fjordane. 26 come from other areas of Norway, from Southeast to Finnmark in the north. Among the accused offenders, there is also one Swedish national. Two politicians, one Labor politician from Oslo and a former national Progress Party (FrP) politician from Eastern Norway are involved in the case.” One is also a kindergarten teacher, and four of the 51 arrested were perpetrators in the video evidence collected.
Domestically, these higher level arrests are few and far between as any time ‘the elite’ are mentioned alongside the term ‘pedophile,’ the Praetorian guard, aka the corporate media, shout down all those who dare pose any questions.
However, even though the media won’t report on it, these disgusting child predators are so vile they are hard to ignore.
In January, admitted child rapist and former speaker of the house who is currently in jail, Dennis Hastert came across our radar after he demanded one of the children he raped pay back the hush money given to him by Hastert — because the victim broke his silence about the rape.
When the victim, known only as “Individial A,” broke his silence, Hastert’s child rapes were exposed — resulting in the subsequent prosecution.