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INTEL Update (Real News) via email - "Who Are We?" 5/25/17
Subject: Who Are We? 5/25/17
At this date NATO is sitting on $30 Trillion in pilfered funds in the hopes of tricking humanity into WW3 with Russia to keep their financial scam going.
Behind all of this mess lies the Jesuits and the Roman Church who have altered history and hidden the rest by concocting fairy tales about the earth's real history.
One such lie was about Mary Magdalene who was really the wife of Jesus who bore him two sons names Jesus II Justus and Joseph along with a daughter named Tamar which was suppressed by the Roman Church.
The Church began a program of killing scientists in 1600 to change the narrative to favor themselves.
The Holy Grail or Sangreal (Grail) was that which contained the blood of Jesus and since then the truth of who is descended from whom has been claimed by many including the Rothschilds, Monarchs and frauds.
Some think that RH Negative blood is that of the Christ and that the Basques have a large quantity of it.
Jesus was one of the few messengers sent to mankind to enlighten us about what and who we really are and that if we are to grow in spirit, we must learn this and drive out the negativity on the planet.
Major changes are occurring now to restore our standing and teach us about what has been done by the Dark Cabal which consists of the Draco Reptilians, Grays and other creatures of a universe that has been intentionally hidden from us by the dark members.
Pope Francis spoke recently that his god is Lucifer.
Onearth the light workers have restored much of the truth and has corrected the Sanreal treaty of 300 A.D. proclaiming that all earth's people are sovereign and will be treated as such.
This will be the end of the Phoney Elites and their Slavery Scam that they have been running on the world for many centuries.
Scientists know that there were nuclear wars thousands of years ago and that radiation still exists in the Middle East in small quantities.
Movies like "Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind" really happened along with alien abductions and the existence of multidimensional creatures like Bigfoot and its lineage whose planet Marduk is now an asteroid belt.
The cabal uses the Divide and Conquer strategy to get groups to fight with each other by creating a problem (like Russia) watch for the peoples reaction and offer the solution to save humanity. (WW3)
All of this has been stopped like the nuking of Charleston South Carolina in 2013 and last weeks attempt to open a worm hole (CERN) and send earth into this funnel.
Many will be stunned when the historical truth hits them between the eyes in the near future.