June 16, 2017
The MJ-12 documents are back in the alternative news circuit as new information emerges from a leak to Heather Wade. MJ-12 or Majestic Project is considered ultra top secret discussing the fact that extraterrestrials are visiting earth.
“Advanced beings of non-human nature are continuously being detected along with their flying-disc craft in the controlled space of the United States ...”I did a quick check of all the different alt sources who are discussing this big news event.
Here are the links you need to visit and catch up on the breaking developments of the MJ-12 new document leak. Some are already saying this is a fake but others believe this is real. Continue to read from different sources to come to your own conclusion.
Linda Molten Howe
Part 1: Leaked “ULTRA TOP SECRET “READ-AND-DESTROY Assessment of the Situation On Unidentified Flying Objects”
Read at ..... https://www.earthfiles.com/news.php?ID=2534&category=Science
Stephen Basset
Read at ...... http://www.paradigmresearchgroup.org/Update-6-15-17.htm
Kevin Randle
MJ-12 - New Documents, Old Story
Read article at ..... http://www.theufochronicles.com/2017/06/mj-12-new-document-dump-labeled-ultra.html
Nick Redfern
The Majestic 12 Documents Are Back…
Read article at ..... http://mysteriousuniverse.org/2017/06/the-majestic-12-documents-are-back/
Michael Salla (recently added)
New Majestic Document Reveals US Diplomatic Relations with Extraterrestrials
Below is the leaked MJ-12 document given to Heather Wade.