Posted on October 3, 2017

As I have mentioned before, I become aware of the OPPT (One People’s Public Trust) earlier this year. I have taken a crash course in our strawman accounts (which I was familiar with) and the TDA’s. I was already fully aware the entire debt system is fraudulent and the banks have been getting away with enslaving the masses all this time.
On October 18, 2017, there is a Jurisdiction Hearing in Knoxville, TN for Heather. There is also the case, separate from but also a part of the 10/18 hearing with Heather: The alleged USA vs. the alleged HEATHER ANN TUCCI-JARRAF and the alleged RANDALL KEITH BEANE.
This case is not just about these two Beings. It is about All Of Us.
This is about ending this financial slavery system.
This is about exposing the fraudulent banking system.
This is about returning Self Governance back to the People.
This is about exposing the accounts that have been created in our names without our permission.
Ultimately this is about taking back our Power and reclaiming Ourselves as Source Beings. And as such, no other person or PERSON has the right or the authority to tell us what to do, how to live. No other person or PERSON has the right to forcefully collect or take any thing from any of us.
Freedom. For All. Not just a little bit of freedom here and there but total complete freedom. This is why I came to believe ideas such as the RV and Nesara and Gesara are just other control systems – and as I like to say – with pretty unicorns. Do we want just a little bit more freedom or Total Freedom?
I opt (via the OPPT – lol) for Total Freedom.
Here are the words of BZ Riger who runs the site and is friends with Heather (about this upcoming jurisdiction hearing): “Heather is clearly stating what has always been so, by their design. That is, the UCC is the Law of the land on planet and off. And is Noticing them that ALL, now know that. The UCC has been returned to Original with no thing/no entity/no standing between Original Source and each embodyment. As it is written and is standing law, unrebutted/unrebuttable since March of 2013”
There is more I could include I am sure but this is a good overall presentation.
I am asking each of you to get involved in your own way. At the very least, intend the thoughts and feelings of Self Governance and Freedom For All. Follow the proceedings. Share with your friends and family on your social media pages. Contact local media and demand this story be covered. Contact your government representatives on down to the city level and inform them of this case and remind them you are watching. Remind them you know who you are as a Living Being. Remind them you will not tolerate their participation in this enslavement system and you are withdrawing yours. Their time is up. The time to concede is now. As Anonymous says: We forgive but we do not forget.
So while the STATE is claiming to go after these two PEOPLE, in truth this is about All Of Us. So let us intend a quick end to this entire debacle and visualize and create the outcome we All want, desire and are worthy of as Source Beings: Freedom. For all of us. Even the controllers.
Thank you awesome beings. We can and will do this!
Much love~
Here is the link showing the documents Heather filed last Friday, September 29th, 2017. They are really being filed on behalf of us all.