Compilation of articles by AscensionWithEarth.Com
First Visitor from Another Solar System Confirmed to Be Weird Cigar-shaped Asteroid -- Newsweek
The first-ever visitor to Earth's neighborhood from beyond our solar system, it turns out, looks like a giant reddish stick thrown for some cosmic dog at the park. And just a month after the weird object was spotted, astronomers have now published a paper on the discovery in the journal Nature Letters.http://www.newsweek.com/oumuamua-first-asteroid-another-solar-system-has-bizarre-shape-creates-bright-717385 (First heard about this disclosure from David Wilcock on the Jimmy Church show and Thanks To SillnessInTheStorm for posting)
Wow! 1st Interstellar Asteroid Is a Spinning Space Cigar
When astronomers using the Pan-STARRS1 telescope in Hawaii spotted a mysterious object dashing through our solar system on Oct. 19, they immediately knew it was something special.https://www.space.com/38838-interstellar-asteroid-oumuamua-space-cigar.html