Joe Martino
November 24, 2017
so often said “the people who really run the world.” But what does that
mean and look like exactly? Recently, even in the mainstream, the word Deep State has come to mass attention as the governing body that ‘lurks in the shadows’ that secretly runs our world.
Beyond presidents
and their administrations, these are the true people and interests
making decisions. So as we complain about politician this or that, we’re
really just putting our attention on someone who truly doesn’t have the
control, allowing the true rulers to do what they need without anyone
This of course isn’t a new idea, it has
been said for hundreds of years that there are secret interests who call
the shots from behind the scenes, and that who we vote for doesn’t really matter.
In the short film below, writer,
producer, and director — Lubomir Arsov — explores our world in a
beautifully revealing way that allows us to see the truth. Typically
when we learn of these sorts of secrets, we might feel fearful or that
this can’t be true. But I truly believe we are in a time where we can’t
continue to turn a blind eye to the reality of these shadowy governing
bodies. We must begin to have the courage to see the truth and
ultimately change our future as a result. Leaving our heads in the sand
no longer serves us.
In the animation below, Arsov
exposes the insanity of our modern society and brings incredible wisdom
to the ‘dark shadow’ or ‘deep state’ that quietly manipulates in the
How our politicians are under control of the shadow government…
Politicians under the control of the shadow government
How our education systems’ content was influenced by the shadow government. It trains us for their agenda..
How it’s our spiritual challenge to move beyond their control and illuminate ourselves…
It is through film and art that we can
often learn things in a profound way, and I believe this piece below
helps us all to explore these truths more deeply.
This makes me recall an article I just
recently wrote about the Pope’s Audience Hall. I draw attention to this
now because of the sheer truth and blatant symbolism throughout this
building that tells a story that is right in front of our eyes. The Pope
speaks from the mouth of a reptilian… and there is a reason for that. Read more here.
Finally, you may be wondering why in
some cases the elite puts so much symbolism right in front of us. Why
would they show us this stuff if they want to remain a secret? The elite
play by certain rules that have been confirmed by a number of insiders.
They must get ‘our consent’ so to speak. We interviewed David Wilcock to explore this question more deeply.
You can watch our full interview with David here.