Operation Disclosure
RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - December 9, 2017
Cabal malice Islamic State is now a minimal threat. Next stage is the Israel-Palestine two-state solution (which is already underway) to ensure peace in the Middle East, a requirement for the RV.
Multiple cabal pedophile rings were taken down under the cover of the MS-13 Operation in D.C.
Evidence of government officials participating in these rings was uncovered.
Multiple Cabal missile silos containing energy-based satellite weapons were destroyed.
Standby notices have been given out to United States Marine Corps and United States Army military officers and provost marshals. These notices serve as preemptive preparation for the transition. The notices contain specific instructions and protocol to carry out the mass indictments once given orders. The orders will be given by top brass, once deemed necessary.
Redemption centers have once again been manned and bank personnel have received memos in preemptive preparation for release sometime this month.
Trump is set to announce the USN before Christmas, unless told otherwise by the Alliance.
The Galactic's continue to direct the Alliance in achieving total cabal annihilation and the transition this month of December.