is affiliated with AscensionEarth.Org. The websites are and will redirect to This blog post is to inform people of the connection between the two websites. Ascension Earth websites document the spiritual evolution of humanity during the most important time of humanities awakening. The awakening out of the 3D matrix is a spiritual event known to many in the New Age community as the ascension of earth. This site is different than other sites as I am not affiliated nor do I associate myself with the ascension as taught by the Galactic Federation of Light or the ascension as taught by those multidimensional beings that call themselves the Ascended Masters. Spiritual sovereignty of the human spirit is my foundation and believe each person takes responsibilities for their own belief systems. I am just here to present you many different perspectives on the ascension of humanity and it is up to you to pick and choose what resonates with you. and is just another choice for you to come challenge your belief systems of reality. My best to everyone and thanks for visiting my blog.