Benjamin Fulford Quote Discloses and Confirms Intel Put Out by GFL & Ascended Masters
This is big news! This is the first time Benjamin has disclosed that the Military White Hats will be the new 'care taker government' for the USA. He also mentions the new asset back financial system and the suppressed technologies to be released when the dark cabal is completely suppressed. If you been following the what the GFL and Ascended Masters have been saying for the past few years then you will know that these are some of the main topics discussed. Now we can connect another dot to this incredibly complex game of drama unfolding in this 3D/4D reality. I have the understanding that Benjamin Fulford is the Spokesperson for the Secret Societies that represent the 'light'. The 'light' is the dualistic opposite to the 'dark' and not to be confused with the Organic Light which harmonizes both frequencies together, known as the true 5D+ Light. Benjamin Fulford seems to not know about the GFL or Ascended Masters as he has never mentioned the role of the ET presence on Earth. It seems he is about 1 to 3 steps below the chain of command from the GFL structure.
The chain of command seems to be (from viewpoint of GFL) ..... God > Spiritual Hierarchies > Ascended Masters > GFL > Argarthans > Earth Allies (Secret Societies and Shadow Governments) > Benjamin Fulford
Get your Popcorn ready. We are really close to something to POP into our reality to accelerate the advancement of humanities awareness and consciousness. Once these global announcements start this will completely change everything. So excited!
Benjamin Fulford
"The military government that is coming in the US is not going to put people into Fema camps, it is merely going to preside over a clean up of the corruption in Washington and Wall St. before returning to civilian rule." 9/21/11
"Any new financial system has to be firmly linked to physical reality. That means no currency can be created until somebody harvests a crop or carves a sculpture or creates something real to back it with."9/21/11
"Then humanity can enter a new era by peacefully and responsibly developing all the suppressed technology. "9/21/11
"Our liaison teams are convinced that the moment has arrived for this bold action, and we are fully prepared and ready to set in motion the moves which will manifest the new financial system and the many new temporary governments." 9/13/11
"A key component of this new banking setup is the worldwide hard-currency system which will convert the illegal and much-manipulated fiat system into an entity able to reflect 'true' values and to function as a 'true' medium of exchange." 9/6/11
"Your prosperity will facilitate the rapid spread of new technologies across your planet, some of which will supplant shops and supermarkets as the prime sources of your food and clothing. Moreover, the nature of these technologies will drastically revamp the way your economy operates by making redundant the current to-ing and fro-ing to deliver goods and services over long distances." 9/6/11
Ascended Masters
"These funds will be accompanied by a change in governance for several major nations and a series of announcements leading to global debt forgiveness."
"Our intent is to use the new financial system to support Saint Germaine's prosperity program."
"This operation also leads to new governments and the special broadcasts by the new American president which will bring into being a new global monetary and financial system." 9/13/11