Saturday, September 24, 2011

BrokenWrench Intel Update for September 23, 2011

Announcement 9-23-2011 by Brokenwrench. Brokenwrench claims to have contacts deep inside government and reports what he/she hears.  Discernment is advised as I cannot confirm the validity of statements.

After all that raz-ma-taz yesterday ....

"What I've heard about the Dinar is that they "haggling"

on the price... everything has been done (other than this).

The IMF has it at $4.40. United State, Europe and Iraq

want it at $9.40. That's being negotiated over the

weekend. By Sunday night that will be resolved and

publish that, then by Monday we will be able to go

into the bank for that, and the Deliveries will occur

starting on Monday also."

They have been held off for some reason also? Rothschild

will have to reswipe his card then?

"I will have to just wait and see. Basically we know that

the money was moved as far as the Global Settlement.

They can' have that in there too long before they get

this thing done. They also have the Iraqi Stock Market

up and running and it can't be going very long with

having money behind it."