Monday, September 26, 2011

BrokenWrench Intel Update for September 26, 2011

 I cannot confirm anything that Brokenwrench updates. Please use discernment. e~

Brokenwrench - Announcement 9-26-2011 12:20

Think something REAL is going to finally take place --

try again.

"Well, where we are at -- there's not a lot of information

out there this morning. We can't see the Dinar in place,

but the word I've gotten is that they have to notify the

foreign exchanges first, then they will notify our exchange

then it goes into the banks. We did hear that some of

the banks got it yesterday. All I can say is that we are

just waiting to see, but it's close.

Until the RV is in place you wont be seeing anything

more about Deliveries. This is now the key to everything.

They've switched it. They had wanted the two to come

together, but now the RV is first".

(I guess to provide the funds for the Deliveries?)