Thursday, September 29, 2011

T-Man of the World Global Settlements - Has Q&A Session with Special Skype Room Participants

T-Man of the World Global Settlements - Has Q&A Session with Special Skype Room Participants

T-Man claims to be one of only three individuals who are the signatories of the World Global Settlements (WGS).  I believe he is legitimate to this cause of getting the WGS to be payed out so that the revaluation of the Dinar can occur as well as the payouts to the CMKX shareholders, and especially to get the United States out of debt and into prosperity mode.

He states some very controversial statements and beliefs which do not reflect my views or opinions. In fact it opened my eyes even more as to what level of understanding Mr T-Man has regarding the involvement of Secret Societies, the Galactic Federation of Light (GFL) , and other Intel sources.  I do disagree on some of the things he believes in regarding the change in reality that will be taking place shortly.  

This is still valuable Intel as this is the person to listen too as he is at the top of the World Global Settlement pyramid structure.  He may be at the top of this pyramid but most of you probably realize that there are many other pyramids that reach way higher up the "food chain".  That of which is Galactic and Spiritual in nature.  

I must also inform that there are other major funds that will be distributed that contain much more money than what the World Global Settlements are worth.  You may want to research a trust called the Saint Germain World Trust. I may do a blog article that will discuss this trust fund when I have some time and provide you with information to help you understand the staggering amount of money this trust account has accumulated for hundreds of years.  The GFL talks about this fund often and is one of the main triggers for the new prosperity and new asset backed financial system of this world.

Enjoy this audio as it is great info for those who are trying to connect the dots about what is happening in this reality.

By the way the main highlight of the call .......  The World Global Settlements will be completed anytime between 24hours to 3 weeks.


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