Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Kerry of Project Camelot Hits Mainstream Radio

Breaking Into the Other Side of RADIO - Kerry was a Guest Today on Mike Harris's Radio Show on Republic Broadcasting... the Repercussions

This morning history was made in a very quiet way on Republic Broadcasting. I was interviewed by Mike Harris on his morning show that goes out to a very mainstream audience of veterans and others. Shortly after the show (see below for links to the show) Mike Harris received a phone call from the very irate owner of the network who proceeded to berate him for letting 'someone like me' who believes in things like (as he put it) shapeshifting aliens and reptoids', on the show! Although we never actually discussed shapeshifting in any depth the point was clear. It seems that Mike Harris, writer for Veterans Today has inadvertently crossed the line from mainstream into the fringe or alternative sector!

Mike Harris is a uniquely gifted individual who ran for governor of Arizona and has a substantial background in the semiconductor industry, among other things. He is an unlikely Radio Talk Show Host and joined Republic Broadcasting just under a month ago through a serendipitous set of circumstances. To hear about that and much more I encourage you to tune in to my show on American Freedom Radio on December 21st where we will continue our discussion from the broadcast today and move into much more about our areas of common interest! As a long time fan of Project Camelot he has listened to dozens of our interviews and is quite knowledgeable about things going on beneath the Matrix...

Link to today's show on Republic Broadcasting coming soon.... You must hear this show... pay special attention to the number of times Mike was thrown off the air and the subjects I was talking about at the time... clearly this show was never supposed to happen! But it did. Score one for the light side!


click here for Mike's important article on Veterans Today: "The Great Chinese-Iranian Stealth Reconnaissance Drone Theft Caper"